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The Story Of My Diagnosis.

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I attended University to study a foundation course in mathematics and engineering; for about a year before this I had been working on my own curriculum which I was attempting to study concurrently with the curriculum of the university. Eventually I became overwhelmed and irritated by the work-load, and I perceived some of my assignments to be pointless, irrelevant and a waste of time.

As my stress levels grew I started to seek self-medicating coping strategies so I bought 500/10mg valium tablets on the internet along side 4 very strong opium pills (oxycodone or oxycontin?) and subsequently went to class high on several occasions making a total fool of myself. As a result of this I was drawn into various counselling sessions as requested by my course leader.

After 6 weeks of being high constantly and not going to class I just sat out the rest of the term without doing any college work and subsequently dropped out. Anyway my counsellor and course leader suggested I may have Asperger's syndrome, so I was appointed to a specialist at the university and diagnosed after 1 hour.


My concurrent mental conditions which came to the fore at university (came to the fore under stress) are depression, anxiety, OCD, perfectionism, occasional very elevated moods and constant eccentricity.


I am currently un-employed, although I seek a career in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, political science, economics, electronic/electrical engineering, computer science.


Who said aspies only have a few interests? I attempt to study everything at once which is probably why I am insane.


A bit of a ramble this so do what you will with it.

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Its nice to learn a little more about you Alex, it can sometimes be a breakdown that leads to a diagnosis, this happened in my sons case at school when pressure stress and anxiety became too much , and school referred him to a physchiatrist.Personally I hope you are no longer self medicating and are now recieving advice from your GP.

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