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Posts posted by 007paul007

  1. I would just like to make you aware of a documentry on ITV1 on Tuesday 4th October at 8.00pm.

    I would advise watching it as I know one of the families involved as I used to work for their father Clive in his old computer shop, Him and his wife Jan were brilliant and I saw the problems they had to put up with long before the problems serviced with my son , they were two loving children. The children were known as the harlinquin twins and I have not seen them for years , but I know they are teenagers and the parents were living on a time bomb !

  2. Well what does everyone think on this issue then ? Do you agree or do you think there should be freedom of choice or is this another case bullying people into things they do not really want to do ? I mean lets face it jamie was brought up on a majority of the foods he is campaigning against according to an article in the press from his mum . Any Ideas ?

  3. My son was put on Ritalin and i soon took him of it when he became a zombie and since then I have found that in the USA there are many parents taking lawsuits as Retalin is part of the Cociane if I remember rightly and most users are being addicted , my son went onto respirdone which did help.

  4. I take it you are on about these nanny programmes, I just wished she would come and see my son , he would just ignore her and walk off or laugh at her.

    I also wish that when they the programmes about autism that they feature children at the severe end of the spectrum , with no speech , no toileting skills, hyper active , no sense of danger , unusual sleep patterns , children that go mad if the routine changes one bit , smearing and everything else. Until they start showing the wide range from the severe tend upwards everyone are percieve the stereo typed Autism , I mean even today I say my son has autism and someone says the film Rainman .

  5. Hi Lil

    Well we don't have a chat room , we just run what is call a live chat thread , Katrina does the wednesday morning chat hour and I do sunday evenings , whenever ever I can fit it around my son. The evening ones are usually on the announcements , which is above the discussions thread.

    We usually start a thread , usually called chat hour now open open, you post a reply and refresh the page and at the end of the hour or if it is popular , it is down to the moderator as to when to close it, and when they lock the topic and you can't post a reply then the hour is closed.

    After a couple of times you wil soon get used to it , it is not as hard as it seems. I hope this helps, I know we are not as big and efficient as Krism but we are a friendly group that is forever growing.

  6. What is happenning in Swindon lately , what with this and the article in the mirror the other day ?


    A Tory deputy mayor has sparked outrage by calling for disabled kids to be guillotined to avoid wasting cash on their care.

    Retired GP Owen Lister made his sick suggestion to fellow councillors as they discussed sending the youngsters to a �3,000 a week care home.

    Mr Lister, 79, told them " I would guillotine them."

    He has now quit as Deputy mayor but yesterday stood by his outburst.

    He said " I indicated at that point that perhaps the guillotine might be better. These are children you can't educate. It's merely a matter of caring for them until they die. The only difference between a terminally ill patient and a severely handicapped child is time." The councillor, of Swindon, Wilts, argued the funds should instead be used to cut NHS waiting lists.

    He added " It shows how peculiar we are as a society on this matter that we spend this vast amount of money caring for disabled youngsters to very little purpose at all. It would be better spent on those who might actually benefit, such as cancer sufferers. We have 5,800 people waiting to go into hospital in Swindon. A percentage of those will die as a result of waiting too long ."

    His remarks came as the borough council's children committee debated putting youngsters in a Cornwall home.

    Labour councillor Fay Howard said " There was a slight pause and looks of disbelief. Everyone was totally shocked."

    Labour colleague Barrie Thompson, the committees vice chairman, likened Lister to one of Hitlers henchmen. He said " The last time I heard remarks like that were from Heinrich Himmler ."

    And the Disability Rights Commission added " It's chilling that an elected representative with responsibilities for deciding on support to disabled children should view the slaughter of innocents as legitimate public comment."

    Mr Lister also quit the childrens committee and now faces a council probe.

    A council spokeswoman said " He recognised he'd said something deeply inappropriate that could cause offence and resigned straight away. "


    Don't seem to know what the world is coming to !!

  7. Hi My son is non verbal and can only make sounds and has no words what so ever , although when he was a baby he did have some words which just all dried up.

    One school tried teaching him sign language but it seemed all gobbly gook to him, we get by , at school they use the picture method , I think it is called pecs, not sure exactly .

    We get by , we can usually tell if he is not himself by his behaviour , although when he was developing Epilepsy his behaviour went up the wall and we , the school and the doctors did not know what was wrong with him , ended up being put on Respiridone which now we are weaning him off it , just that his body was changing due to his Epilepsy and he could not tell us what was wrong.

    We cope and some days are frustrating but most of the time it is as ok as it can be.

  8. Jus t to let you all know that the chat hours starting tonight will have a theme , for example tonight theme is introductions , and is obviuosly about introducing yourself and recieving a warm welcome , although we will have this theme you can talk online live about anything even hard times that you might be having , we will be having a different theme each week and the next theme will be decided tongiht by the members that are live on line in a fair vote .

    i hope to see as many members new and old as possible to tonight , chat later


  9. It certainly seems to be happening at once, mind you they it comes in 3, firstly problems with school transport and now with school meals.

    Firstly we qualify for school meals and the school have been paid in advance already and yesterday we recieve a letter from the teacher saying that due to circumstance beoynd their control my son has to go to the bungalow, a place they use during half term, i don't even know where it is or what it looks like and we have been told we have to pay for school meals.

    I don't mind sending in money for snacks etc, but to pay again for something that is already paid for is a joke. I contacted school meals and was advise to tell the school that because they have been paid to provide my son with lunch each day, then it is up to them to provide lunch for my son, even if it is just sandwiches that they prepare and my son takes it with him. The other thing I could do is either prepare a lunch for him at home and send it in and request a reimbursement from the school, of course I could do as the school ask and if I do not want my son to go to the Bungalow then I have to keep him off school. Great choice.

    Anyhow I have to ring and speak to the head tommorrow and see where that goes as by the time my son came home everyone had left the school.

    What will be the third thing to go wrong ?

  10. I have just seen one of the protesters talking on Sky news , he says 99% to 100% of the population support the protests.

    I have a question or two for them and all the people that are supporting the petrol protests , if indeed it is 99% at least of the country that are backing them .

    I would like to know how many of the protesters and the population that are backing them voted for the government in the last general election as that was your chance to really get rid of them ? I don't support the protest as I or my wife don't drive and , even though we have two children with dissbilities , we could do with a car I suppose at time but it is so expensive to run a car we don't bother , besides walking is good for you and keeps you fit , and stops you putting on the pounds lol.

  11. A bit of an update here regarding this article , and i don't know if anyone else heard it but I heard an interview on FIVE LIVe with some psycologist or something like that and the interviewer asked her if she thought that the parents of child with Autism would be insulted in any way by this finding ? " Oh No , I think it is terribly exciting "

    So I don't know what you think of that , but I can guess

  12. A quick update on the transport situation , it turned up ok this morning and my daughter got into the cab as usual and off she went . Well 3.15pm came and went and my daughter was not home so come 20 to 4 , still no daughter had arrived I called the taxi firm, only to be told by the propietor herself that they did not know where the driver was and could not get hold of him by any means , even his mobile they could not contact him through.

    I rang the school and found that my daughter was still there with the other children , I then phone the conucil transport department and was told by the lady another cab was being sent out and apparently because they are have their office done out this had caused problems,yet they had the 6 week holiday to have this office done and not only that they surely should of been to have a plan put in place as soon as they knew the dates the office was going to be done.

    Anyway I have now spoken to the LEA officer concerned and quoted the disability law on the ISPEA site , she was amazed and astounded that I knew this, she is starting an investigation , even though they will not recieve my letter by monday.

    I will let you know how things pan out , but considering it is the first week , we have had 3 problems with them and 6 different drivers to boot .

  13. I don't know if anyone has read the Daily Mirror today, 9th September, titled THAT'S SO UNFAIR.


    Children turn into horrid Kevin the teenager because puberty makes them autistic for a while, experts said yesterday.

    Previously sweet natured 12 and 13 year olds become like Harry Enfield's stroppy adolescent because their brains get rewired as they enter adulthood.

    And in the scramble they los the ability to understand the feelings of others - especially their parents.

    Researchers found the children were particulary poor at recognising facial expressions of anger or sadness.

    Expert Professor David Skuse said " I believe that this might explain the Kevin phenomenon and the social in-eptitude of adolescents."

    They were probing the theory that all men are partially autistic, dulling their emotions so they can focus on complex tasks.

    They found no evidence of this but discovered that both boys and girls went through a dramatic change at puberty which caused their ability to read emotions to dip sharply.

    Prof Skuse told the BA Festival of Science at Trinity College, Dublin: " You can imagine what it's like for parents trying to manage unruly adolescents. One wonders if they're understanding anything you're saying. It would appear this is a function of the development of their brains."

    " The good news is that they recover by the age of 16 or 17."


    So what do you think about that any ideas or thoughts ?

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