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Posts posted by Enid

  1. Thanks for reply. the thing thats getting to me is, its just about money/funding, he dosnt need to be in care, and no one is suggesting he should be, but to access more than 92 days a year, and give the other 3 kids and me a break, unless he is on a section 20, he wont be able to. J himself would like to, he is 16 in a few weeks, his older brother went off to college, mon to fri, at that age, he is really up for the idea, not full time, but weekly, but unless I can sort something out it wont be possible. It would really get to me to have to have a LAC review when I was just doing it as a "paper exercise" the Head is looking into it for me to see how she can help, will keep you posted. x

  2. ooh thats so good to hear, but sorry to hear about the report, hope your court case goes well, if not you will manage as you are now.


    My J is back to 4 mgs and all is calm for a bit. they have recently built a 10 bed unit on his school site, they already have a residential that J attends I night a week (if hes not excluded) however this new unit offers full time care and I have been offered a place, the plus is, its his school, its 15 mins away, he knows all staff and is familiar with residential staff. whats not to like??? the downside. all children on section 20 to secure funding.....

  3. It is a problem re resperidone and weight gain, I do feel very guilty/worried/concerned, all of these about it. We cut down to 3.5 then 3. after a short time the "wierd" terrifying behaviours returned, along with the extreme violence, and though I hate to admit it, I am scared of him and what he might do to the others, me and himself. so he is back to 4 at the mo, but in September CAHMS are going to look at his medication and perhaps try something completely different.


    SG what is HMS/EDS ?

  4. Yes, my DS has, he`s got loads, my older NT boy never got them. My lad has put on weight due to the resperidone, thats the main reason we keep trying to lower it, has glen put weight on? and SG, did yours go/fade or have you still got them?

  5. well I agree with baddad, (good grief!) who on earth!!! would put on a statment had aspergers tendancies, it is sooo unprofessional, but that is water under the bridge now, personaly I am not sure how the label would help him at this stage, I am struggling with this for my 9 year old, I think it can make a child/teen/adult complacent, if thats the right word. and use it for an excuse. for their behaviour. its too late now for a more considered reply! but my advice is, if in doubt dont; my older son has autism, and there is really no doubt about it at all, thats the difference, wheras my 9 yr old, is quirky, but bright and wonderful, I dont think it would help him at all to have the label. anyway, late now, for me; so will leave it at that for now. good luck and keep strong. x

  6. absolutely terrible. its my worst fear. when J is having an "episode" as I call them, he lays on the road. he only did this friday at school, they rang me and said he had left school and was walking down the white lines. trouble is, if you call his bluff that might just be the very time he does it.... so feel for this lads parents. a real tragedy

  7. aww Jeanea. that does sound positive, its lovely your other children went as well. My CAMHS consultant says that very soon I must start to make plans for the future as my J`s behaviour once more becomes "unstable" when he`s lovely I cant bear to think of it... but when he`s not... I realise It cant carry on, he is sooooo big !! good job you dont know all this lays ahead when they are little babies isnt it! anyway, so glad to hear you have a job as well. onwards and upwards,! much love and support Enid

  8. The talking method has failed So I was planning on writing a piece that shows the full extent of everything that goes on and the problems of this school.

    I would do that. My son is your age and has an ASD diagnosis, and attends special school, he also has a diagnosis on Moderate Learning difficulties, although he is actually quite clever! will be interested to read your posts.

  9. Hi, as I said, I was never sent on a course, or at no time did anyone even question that it was anything to do with my parenting skills, I never even thought about it at the time, was just so desparate for help, I rang GP. ss/ camhs anyone I could think of, with hindsight, and after reading on this forum that others had, I am surprised that I wasnt as his behaviour seemed to change overnight.


    Anyway, go with your gut feeling, you know your child best.


    Good luck and keep strong.

  10. The book I always recommend is "Aspergers Syndrome and Difficult Moments: practical solutions for tantrums, rage and meltdows" by B Smith Myles and J Southwick.


    You can see it differentiates between tantrums, rage and meltdowns. Once a child is in meltdown, there is nothing you can do to stop it, but you can help them to calm down. The parenting bit comes into preventing it getting to the meltdown stage - by recognising trigger's, working out ways for them to avoid/change/cope with the triggers, teaching them chill out/calming strategies and more appropriate responses to anger/frustration/anxiety, etc.


    It is not sufficient that she tidies up after trashing the room - you need to work out why she did it, and work out how you change that "cycle" of behaviour. If she escalates to hurting people, there will be little she can do to "make up for it" afterwards.


    I have three children, one had very challenging behaviour and has AS, one has traits of AS, and all three need different parenting. Read what people suggest and try the things that you think might work for you and her.


    Also a very good book for all the reasons given above.

  11. Hi,

    was just going to direct you to the "explosive child book" it has really helped me. I have a child very similar to yours, I have 3 other children who dont give me a minutes worry, I have also spent many years working with difficult children in the care system and am also a Nursery nurse,. I tell you this because even with all that experience I used to be on here night after night in despair with the behaviour of my then 12 yr old.


    My lad can also change at the flick of a switch, and behaves the same in any situation, school/home/social. There is also the behaviour he can control of course, and there is always a consequence, and I am totaly consistant with my parenting, even so the only thing that seems to control his extreme violence and bahviour is medication.

    Even with the level he is on he still exhibits such challanging behaviour and is quite frankly given his size a danger to us and also school staff etc etc I honestly dont know where its going to end.



    Thats no help to you of course.


    I have to say all the professionals I have delt with have never made me feel it was anything to do with my parenting skills, so if you hanvnt yet seeked help please do, because with the level of anger he is displaying you need some support and answers.

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