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Posts posted by Toni

  1. well things got better now they are terrible over the last 2 days dd has punched something so hard she has a bruised and swollen hand and scratched her legs and made them really sore, she has been so angry over the last week and a half but when i talk to her about it she has no idea why. she said to me this morning that she doesn't want to get angry at school, she has a teacher she can got to if she needs to but i don't think she feels she can do this, the last time she tried her class teacher told her to speak to him instead, if she could talk to him she would have named him as a teacher she felt comfortable with in the fist place. i have mentioned to the teacher she named that she is in melt down but because she bottles it up until she gets home they don't think theres a problem. the school nurse saw dd yesterday and is trying to get dd to change her opinion of yellow and red days so they don't happen very often, but they are every day at the moment, i have no idea what to do or say to dd anymore to make her feel any better.?????????????????????????? :tearful: Toni

  2. Hi i was wondering if anyone has any experience with child development teams. Our GP has said that he will refer dd to them but there is no information in dd's medical records of her problems, because nearly all involvment so far we have payed for privatley, so he as asked my to ask the school nurse next week to phone him and give him the information that she has, i am a bit concerned about what she might say as she has told me that dd's behavuior might be normal for her and she could just be a very emotional child, she also said that she couldn't say there was anything wrong if she didn't think there was. i did ask our GP if it was normal for dd to hit herself when she get's angry or frustrated, surprise, surprise he said it wasn't normal, i'm rambling sorry, anyway if anyone has info it would be appreciated thanks Toni

  3. hi clare, i think anxiety and frustration are the issue with dd, with regards to the bullying we have hopfully resolved this i have spoken to the school and dd has changed dinner times which has taken away the opportunity, she was good friends with the children she has been having problems with, but i think that the other child is maturing alot quicker than dd and dd does not understand why they keep picking on her but i do think that she was prevouisly obbsessed with this other child and it has taken alot to detatch herself, she is still worried about what the other girl says and does but it is'nt as important to her at the moment, the only downside is that dd has now transfered attention to another girl in her class so i do't know if we will be ging down the same route in a few months time or not but time will tell and i do encourage dd to have others around to play so we will have to see how it goes. thanks for your concern and comments Toni

  4. hi with my dd it's elephants, not nowledge about them but collecting and drawing them she sleeps under a mound of them and has them all over her room in different shapes, colours and sizes. she also has the problem with friends gets completly obssessed wanting to send all her time with them this does cause problems for us at the moment as she is very intense with this.

  5. Hi just thought i would let you know where we are at, cahms have suggested a traffic light system where dd can tell me what sort of day she has had green being a good day, yellow getting worked up and red is where she hits herself, she has said that she has quite alot of yellow days at school, and i think that these build up until they turn into red when she gets home. she has said she has occasional red days at school and was once taken out of the classroom to calm down, i had never heard about this before neither dd or teacher had mentioned it. she has also now got a teacher that she can go to to talk about things if they start building up to try and head of red days. we are also using playdough or blue tack to try and divert attention when she feels the need to hurt herself. thanks again for all of your help and advice. Toni :thumbs:

  6. hi kinda,

    i know you are right we are having a terrible time with the school at the moment and are down to vitually no communication at all but you are right i do need to address this with them and get it resolved for dd sake. thanks think i needed a big kick up the backside.


  7. hi my dd has been having lots of problems with a girl at school since before christmas, everything she describes suggests bullying but as i have been told she has cognitive processing issues i wonder if she doesn't understand the what is classed as normal playground pecking order, as a parent i feel she is being bullied but i don't know, the school are no help whatsoever, the problem eventually builds up and combined with all other frustrations dd ends up melting down and hitting herself, i have no idea what to do anymore. :tearful::tearful:


  8. Hi i am suze's friend she kindly posted this for me, thank you all for you help and advice, i have recently seen the school nurse and CAMHS but have not had much joy, i am waiting to hear off the school nurse again tomorrow and i am hoping to push things forward, my dd has been dx with dyslexia, and information processing issues, but having been on to this site i feel she shows alot of the signs talked about. Because she holds herself together at school and falls apart at home the school say that they don,t feel the need to get involved as they say it is a home issue, funny that dd slept over the christmas hols but started waking through the night again 2 days before they went back to school . So like most other parents and carers on here i will continue :wallbash:, thank you again for your advice.


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