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Everything posted by Millymay

  1. We finally got appointment for phsyio and occupational therapy after a years wait . Got a good idea what to expect for the phsyio side but not the occupational side, if anyone could enlighten me would be grateful!
  2. Thanks, at least i'm not the only one that fears for their sanity at times! Did try and talk to him tonight about the way he speaks to me, but he was just squirming to get away and tried to change the subject to Star wars! I think i've almost got into the mindset of thinking shoutings the only way to make him listen, though I know it's not, but i guess everyone goes through the same, i'll try deep breathing next time!
  3. I am been driven mad by the way ds (7) is talking to me at the moment and I really don't know how to deal with it anymore. This morning caught him playing gamecube when he was supposed to be getting dressed so switched it off, to get told "you haven't switched the damn light off it yet", I ended up shouting never to talk to me like that again, which of course ended in meltdown hysteria. Ask him to do anything and its "hello, what does it look like im doing?" said in most sarcastic voice imaginable. I know I should be talking in calm quiet voice but he just doesn't listen and totally switches off, really feel like a bad parent at the moment for not dealing with it properly, but its like theres this brick wall between us with just a faint glimmer sometimes and most of the time i'm banging my head against it, sorry for rambling on, just feeling pretty useless today!
  4. Ds is 7 and has been dx with "moderate autism with unknown intelligence", is due to be assessed for adhd, waiting for physio and occupational therapy for probable dyspraxia. We applied a few weeks ago and are seriously unhopeful of getting it. Just got letter from them saying they've requested a report from school. Even though the school have been fully on board with his problems (he's school action plus at the mo), he isn't a "problem" as such, ie not disruptive, likes school, settled into year 2 well and i've got the feeling they'll play down his worst side which is MUCH more evident at home and when out (shops etc). Has anyone been turned down purely due to the schools opinion?
  5. Thanks for your suggestions, will definetly try Games Workshop. Though gameboy has been a lifeline to us too, (long car journeys etc) we'd really like to get him into something else as well, difficult as he's also got ADHD and his attention span is really low.
  6. Just wondering if anyone has any useful suggestions for ASD son's imminent 7th birthday. We've decided to think really carefully this time as so many birthday/Christmas presents have been disasters. Anything with "bits" is a no no as they're lost in 5 minutes and he has very poor hand/eye co-ordination. We got him T-rex hot wheels at Christmas but as he does not have the imagination to create games with it it was redundant and pulled to pieces within a fortnight. All he really plays with are gameboy/playstation. (If only there was a range of toys for ASD children, that would be wonderful!) He does like anything gory or spooky (current obsessing with blood/brains/graveyards etc) but not many toys like that really!
  7. Glad i'm not alone Lisa, looks like i've got years of this to come though!
  8. Just wondering if anyone else is driven mad by small but annoying habits, my son, 6, dx ASD has many of these! Cannot walk past plant/ bushes without picking at least one petal/leaf has to walk over every wall/bench whilst out Cashpoints: always has to run over and press buttons, same with disabled entrance buttons, he can't resist them! Has to be physically restrained whilst in a lift Constant firing of pretend guns whilst walking down street, interspersed with "karate" moves Lifting of freezer lids in Iceland, despite one falling on his head and cutting his lip, he won't stop it! Endless hours of discussion about any small graze/scratch he has acquired
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