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About kokoshi

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Thanks for the advice. The reason I am burdened to do so is because I feel and notice that my friendship with her is chilling quickly because of my shyness with her which I feel she is taking as being callous to her, something completely contrary to how I feel about my friend. I've told another friend about Asperger but only because she confided me a personal secret of her and it made me feel comfortable enough to tell her of my disorder.
  2. Hello, I'm new and not from the UK (I'm writing from the US), but I have Asperger syndrome and an issue. I am 25 and am studying at a graduate level, however what few friends I have have been made at my grad school. Now to the main topic; I have gotten little or no advice on how to tell my friends I have Aspergers. I would love to tell atleast one of them so that they would understand that what I have and have them know that there is a logical explanation for my wierdness to them. Would telling my second friend bring any negative consequences? Is telling them a wise choice? Or is easier in the long run to 'stay in the closet?'
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