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About Socrates

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hello, thanks for replying. I thought I'd replied but it must have got lost on the way...I'll go through all your suggestions. I had a call from a nurse at a private autism hospital today who's putting me in touch with a solicitor who has a reputation of being quite tough and getting things done. so some light at the end of the tunnel. But I just cant believe how bad the local NHS is. I had a look at the 'Education' bit here and it's obvious it's not just me who's having problems with services. What's going on? It's unbelievable! Well, looks like we're all in it together...
  2. Thanks for replying. Yes, it's the ordering, prioritising and organizing that can be the problem. I have trouble doing more than 1 thing at a time and when there's so much to do. I'll have a look through your suggestions and get back to you
  3. No, I'm afraid it's not a wind up. And I've left out the bad bits (and I'm not kidding either). That's why I've got the legal aid certificate in double quick time. I've always had trouble getting by. I've never had a job. The only education I had was 4 years primary at a special school. Oh, I could go on and on. I can't get on the housing list because of rent arrears from years ago and I'm "Intentionally Homeless" i.e. I cracked-up when my brother died and left my flat 5 years ago. I can't believe this is happening. I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm scared.
  4. Hello, I'm 41 years old, autistic and I've been homeless for years- living on a burnt out boat. I've no toilet, bathroom, running water or kitchen. I've been trying to get help for years, and all I've been offered is a social group on the other side of the county. I've been given legal aid to take the Mental Health Trust to the High Court for a judicial review, but I don't think I'll live long enough to see it through. How do I survive? If I didn't have my dogs to look after, I think I would've already killed myself. What do I do?
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