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Posts posted by billabong

  1. Hi Rachel


    Welcome to the forum! I don't have children so can't honestly empathise with you there, however I know how isolated life can be. It's not really like that on the forum, honestly! I'm sure there will be plenty of advice, support and encouragement coming. Hang on in there, gal! All the best and >:D<<'> from Billabong

  2. Welcome news for partners living in the north-east of the UK. NAS North-East is setting up a support group for partners of people diagnosed as being on the AS spectrum or who feel their partner is on the AS spectrum.


    The first meeting will take place in Durham at a venue close to the station this Thursday evening 11/11/10 at 18:30. The NAS contact is Deborah Garland, deborah.garland@nas.org.uk

  3. Hans Asperger's name would definitely have been pronounced with a hard G. Some people anglicise the pronounciation of the condition to a soft G.


    I once saw a doctor about a different condition. When I said I also had Asperger's, he said his son had it, but he still spelt it "Asberger's" all through the write-up from the appointment.

    I toggle between the two, depending on who I'm talking to (bit like putting on the posh accent without realising it). I'd go with the hard G - but then again, it could be that Herr (or Herr Doktor) Asperger inherited his name from some distant French relative, in which case it would be with a soft G and the name would be pronounced something like Aspairjair. Oh dear, don't you think it's time I went and stuck my head in a bucket of cold snow?



  4. thanks for the information. odds are my GP wont' actually know anything about it, but i have now found one who is willing to ask me to come back a week later and will find out information so she can make a decision. although it might not work, its worth a go. i've run out of options otherwise. although this will be my first conversation about sleep since the NHS diagnosis, so perhaps attitudes will have changed.

    Hi NobbyNobbs

    What was the outcome of your GP's finding out more about Melatonin? I have a suspicion that most GPs will be reticent to prescribe it. It sounds too good to be true - like most products which are meant to work wonders.


    Has anyone tried magnesium spray? It didn't make any difference at all, although it did smell quite nice (fine if you like the smell of aromatherapy oils). So much for the placebo effect; perhaps it works for some people. DH said that it looked like one of those bottles of cooking oil sprays. Now there's a thought ... I wonder if cooking oil would have worked? Eeeh, I'll try anything if it might help, ha ha not. Isn't there a plug that you can, um, un-plug at night to stop brain going whirr, whirr, whirr?


    Hey, it's nearly Christmas! More snow forecast tonight for this part of the world!


    Have a good one,



  5. Hello Special Talent


    Thought it was really good - you come across as a lovely person, if I may say so, and Alex reminds me of my nephew. As an NT person, think it helped to give me more of an insight into AS/autism and I can also identify with some of what was said. That party would have terrified me, it was my idea of a nightmare!





  6. I've always had a penchant for 'etiolated'. Strange, that, given I also like the word 'billabong'. Other words wot I like include:








    Words I don't like:


    penchant (not when it's spoken)




  7. Courtesy of my dd - "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair" :D


    No, no, no, the words are "I'm gonna wash that hair right out of my man" and yes, they would be the ideal words for advertising depilatory cream for the extra-hairy man.


    And wasn't there a song by the Plaiters?


    Sorry, I can't find a 'cheesy' joke icon.



  8. I suffer bigtime with neck and shoulder tension as well. I do have a brilliant physio who I try and see for a massage but like always its difficult escaping from the house!!


    I'm with you there on the neck and shoulder tension - especially after I've made a social effort with people I don't know really well. It's a great way of measuring how comfortable I feel with people, ha ha. Tensing and relaxing muscles by muscle group from head downwards (progressive relaxation, think it's called) sometimes works really well, even better if I combine it with relaxed breathing - breath in slowly for 3 counts, hold for 3 counts, breath out slowly for 3 counts, repeat for as long as you want (remember to breath out or else you get the wrong kind of relaxed!). I've found a facial treatment including facial massage is really good for relaxing - but not very often otherwise the effect on finances is very unrelaxing. No good at all if you don't like being touched though.


    Other things that sometimes work: writing down what's bugging me, cutting back on doing things if I'm too busy, gardening, going for a brisk walk or slow jog, going somewhere away from people and having a good shout and roar, crying, watching a film or programme that makes me laugh.

  9. Does anyone know of any commercial air fresheners that aren't more disgusting than the smell they're trying to disguise? The worst ones are those that you're meant to put in your car. They make me gag and make my driving even worse than normal. The nicer they sound, the more breathtakingly awful they smell. Rant, rant, rant, I must be a certain age. :lol: Come to think of it, I quite like the smell of kedgeree. Does anyone know of a kedgeree-scented car freshener? Or do I just stick a piece of smoked haddock up the exhaust?



  10. "And tell me, what do you like best about the forum?" (These are justified '"'* by the way. * speech marks in inverted commas if you couldn't tell).


    "It's the fact that everyone seems to love SNOW" Yee-hah! Love it, love it, love it. DH told me I was like an excited puppy this morning (only I didn't do what excited usually puppies do ... but not far off, no, let's delete that bit). Big mistake for employer/great for me, having my own little office with a big window.


    Think it's turning to sleet here :( but more snow forecast for later in the week. Bounce bounce bounce!



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