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Everything posted by mirry

  1. Hi everyone , Sorry its taken some time to get on here I finished the DLA forms and sent them off (before i knew about your offer to look at your forms SORRY). The parent partnership people were RUBBISH, I phoned them up and they basically left me to do all the talking and when i said i think ive filled in the forms ok but I am not sure they said "Ok phone us if you need help" they couldnt get me off the phone quick enough I expected them to go through it with me? My son has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry lately. Every night after school he ruins the whole evening causing trouble in anyway possible, he will argue over anything AND I MEAN ANYTHING, he cries so much too and theres no reasoning with him - making us all feel Drained. I am on antibiotics for a saliva enlarged gland and last night felt so ILL, he couldnt care less about me "ZERO EMPATHY" he kept saying why are you angry ? and I kept saying Im not i am ILL.......he went on at me all night love this site ,you are such nice people <'>
  2. Got a reminder through the post about the DLA forms saying I need to get them filled in and back to them ! I am really getting panicky now..........want to contact someone to help me fill them in because i just cant think what to say. Can i really demand he does no homework? This would make things more managable.
  3. I have a paul mckenna cd that hypnotises me , its great for times of stress and improves my outlook on life most days. I wouldnt be with out it and something like this could help you too. Good luck
  4. HI , Carole yes please i would love to see the ofstead report on this matter as it may come in use the way things are going. Tez I am going to do the list like you mentioned and see how it goes. I never imagined id get this much support..... FAB! Never got round to those DLA forms again, working next 2 days so who knows when this will get done bye for now
  5. Great replys I have checked his home/school link book and all the concerns i wrote in there on the 1st of sept havent even had a reply, a huge concern this is. He had spanish homework all written in spanish! He doesnt know what the words mean and I certainly dont .Apparently he will get detention if he doesnt complete it and another evening of worry was had by all. To me its like asking a person in a wheelchair to run about at PE or he will get detention, they are asking the impossible of him (he is disabled and they dont take any notise) I like the idea of putting my feet up in the day and to be honest the computor is my little bit of freedom as i suffer with bad anxiety going out, I am going to phone my dentist now as got bad tooth pain (3 weeks) and I am taking all your advise and sorting out things one at a time. Later think i will phone for help on filling in those DLA forms. You all have been so great and everything you say tells me you have been there and know exactly where i am coming from, THANKS <'>
  6. SORRY forgot to mention he came home with his school PE shorts under his trousers after the staff had been searching the whole school for them. MIRRYx
  7. HI everyone, I have been telling my mother about this great place and how lovely it is knowing i can chat to people in the same boat as me. Sorry for the delay but this new school is keeping us all very busy! I went into his school yest (monday) and was approached by the head of the LSAs (forgot her title) she told me that they never realised that my sons forgetfullness was that bad and that from now on they would get someone more on hand. I stood there thinking they have spoken to me first before i could speak to them (remember I had written my concerns in his home school link book"). At the end of the day whilst i was waiting for him at his collection point a lady approached me and said hes done really well today and found his class all on his own .I told her this was not to be relied apon because he is not consistant at all! She looked at me like i was knocking his achievement but i wanted them to know how bad it can be. Anyway she left and i waited for him for 10 mins ??? Eventually he turned up with another lady who said "he was lost". I just dont know how hes going to cope like this and he started telling me he was told if he forgets his PE kit he will get detention, now this is something that makes me MAD HOW ON EARTH CAN THEY PUNISH SOMEONE WHOS DISABILITY MAKES THEM EXTREAMLY FORGETFULL ? and now hes getting anxious over this and couldnt sleep last night because of it. So today i went in and spoke to a PE teacher (not his because he wasnt there) and she told me that i could apply for a school locker for him for his stuff to be in the building.Along I went to the lady who does the lockers and she told me i need to put his name on a waiting list on THURSDAY and see if he gets one.They only have 100. In the meanwhile my sons getting worried about this and his homework all written down in a book for him to know when it needs to be returned( he cant read hardley). This morning he woke crying about his pencil collection he calls it his " TALL competition " he collects them to see whats the biggest pencil and will know the whole pot of pencils order by size. He realised he has left them at his nans house and is going on and on and on about it so much we are going to have to drive over to her house (miles away) to collect these stupid pencils! Still got the DLA forms sitting here and feel ive messed them up already, havent a plan just wrote with out thinking (not a good idea).I had a panic attack yest on my way back from the school and realised its like I am the school child because every single thing they tell him to remember and to do ITS ME who has to do it all for him. HOPE I HAVENT BORED YOU WITH ALL THAT INFO. and thanks for all the links mirryx Baddad ? you seem to nice to be bad ?
  8. THANKS EVERYONE. I never imagined this much support! I will look into the web links with interest tomorrow (feeling tired with it all). Its strange as i read other peoples diagnosis I think oh yeah hes got that too, its almost like hes been diagnosed with so many labels I cant remember them all, makes me feel like a bad mother. OK he also has dyslexia and mild dyspraxia. I feel terrible dont even know what that means exactly ? I do believe i have been hiding my head in the sand for many years hoping it all wasnt true and they got it wrong and he will turn out ok. I know its the wrong attitude and I need to get the label out there for his own benifit. Even some of my good friends dont know how bad it is as they see me when hes at school and i never tell them any thing. Does any one feel this could be the reason for my stress being out of control ?
  9. Annie just read your reply and it means so much "AT LAST PEOPLE WHO KNOW". I am feeling much better now and will get in that school tomorrow and demand answers. thanks for your support x
  10. Thanks for the fast reply carole, you sound like you have your own problems to deal with so I appreciate your time. I will go into the school tomorrow if i can face it, i get so anxious but i know its important. The problem is my son will never get to know his away around the school, he just cant remember things and it was taken up with his new school before he started we had lots of meetings so i am shocked this has happened. I cant believe i even wrote about my concerns in the home-shool link book and got no reply! WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES, THANKS.
  11. mirry


    visit : nomorepanic You have described classic anxiety , I get the dizzyness with this along with photophobia (sensitive to lights). Its horrible isnt it.
  12. HI, Have just found this forum in my desperate search for people who understand. My 11 year old son has AS/semantic and pragmatic language difficulties/Asthma and multible Acute food allergies and seasonal rhinitis. My son has started big school and is statemented however he came home after his first day saying he doesnt know who he has to ask for help ? I asked him has his LSA introduced herself to him and he answered no. He has life threatening allergies and has to carry EPIPEN injections with him where ever he goes (yet he doesnt know how to administer them) his last school kept them with his LSA. I am worried because he told me he got lost in the big school and ended up outside the building and a big boy took him to where he needs to be ? My son forgets where he is going constantly ,so this is a huge worry if he needed medical help and he could be taken advantage of so easily. Another problem is at home, he constantly talks about his obsessions until its driving us mad, he tortures his younger sister mentally and she feels down alot at 7 years old. He is either very high or very low (usually low) he gets so angry and looks into everything we say......we cant talk to him with out him holding a grudge for ages questioning me CONSTANTLY why did you tell me off, ALL DAY! I have taken ILL with Panic disorder and the doctor says it is stress, i am finding it hard to leave the house with out panicking.....its turning into agrophobia. I have lots of Disability forms to fill in again and i just dont know how to begin, i feel so overwhelmed there is so much to say and i just cant explain how difficult my son is to live with. Today my son was saying he doesnt know how to talk to the other children and everyone else has friends, I am finding it difficult knowing what to say , I feel he is very unstable and I worry alot for his future. sorry to go on, feeling lost.
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