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Everything posted by longmeadow

  1. I wonder if anyone can help with this one........ Probably a silly question, but here goes. Our 9 year old can walk around the house and if you are in a room doing something, you can tell it is her over anybody else in the family as she walks so heavily, she really does thump her feet when she walks... Is this what they refer to as can walks awkwardly ?
  2. We have had another day of hell Our daughter has been in a strop all day It started last night, 4 times she was out of bed, in the end she woke her 17 year old sister up to sleep with her in the spare room This morning we left home to visit B & Q and Tesco's, my husband and I came back wishing we had never got up. This evening she has been playing ball in the garden with the three dogs and getting really wound up to the point of crying because they wont do what she tells them too. I am constantly walking around close to tears, I think we are going to have to go to the doctors to get referred instead of leaving it to the emergency meeting with the EP for her Dyslexia. Last night, she lost the plot three times when visiting two relatives homes, it just seems to be getting worse. I have taken advice from this forum and today I purchased a book to create a diary of events.
  3. Very interesting ! I have just picked my daughter up from school, she said teacher has shouted at her twice today for being naughty. When asked did she know why she had been told off she said no. I asked her if teacher has told her off before, she said yes a lot. I wonder if they are confusing her being naughty with her problems that she has at home. I asked her how she feels when she is told off by teacher, she said angry. I also asked her what she does, "my face goes red and I sit in the chair until she tells me what to do". I asked her why she doesn't have a tantrum at school and she said because it is embarrassing for people to see me doing it. What is going on?
  4. Looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
  5. one more thing, she comes out of school most days saying she has stomach ache!
  6. thanx again Will be keeping a diary from now on, wish we had started two years ago, we had banging head against walls, pulling hair out and saying she didn't;t want to live any more, hitting, punching and kicking the older children of the family. One thing that we have also noticed is that if you are playing with her,and you ask her to stop, you have to get really firm with her because she wont stop. On most trips home from school I come home feeling really depressed because she wont stop arguing with her sister or touching things of her sisters that causes major rowes. When we have gone shopping in the past, we have sometimes taken two cars so that we can get what she needs so that my husband can whisk her home because she doesn't want to go and we no from experience that she will kick off when out. When we went to get her uniform for school this time, she got really frustrated because I had to keep trying different trousers on her to get some that would fit (very hard to find). I was out in the shop, dad was in the changing room with her and she started screaming and shouting at the top of her voice with frustration, when I went in, she pushed and hit me. Needless to say, we came home with no trousers.
  7. Thanx for the replies, she started at this new school about 4 months ago, they are fantastic when it boils down to her Dyslexia, the help and support she is getting is brilliant, we couldn't ask for more. At her old school, she was unhappy, no support and we had to fight to get them to believe us with her Dyslexia even after paying privately to get her assessed. She is nearly nine with a reading age of 4 years 3 months. When speaking to the new school the teacher said that you can't hide any form of Autism, so they would notice things in school. She did say that it should be brought up in an emergency meeting for her Dyslexia with the EP. I have been doubting my thoughts and feeling embarrassed that I even mentioned it. We flooded last year badly in the Gloucester floods and have lived in a touring van for a year, we have just moved back in, only to find that the house needs to be re stripped back to the bricks dried out and redone again. Our insurance company has asked us to move house, when I said to her teacher the other day that our daughter may get upset on the morning of a trip they are doing at school because she's already begging me not to let her go, she said I don't understand that because she is more than happy and settled in school, but I know that you have a lot of problems with what is going on at home so maybe that is unsettling her!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dearly love the school and teachers at the school and feel that we have placed her in a place is good for her, but it is getting very frustrating when you feel that you are making things up.
  8. Our eight year old is severely dyslexic, but I have put a lot of her trates on here before and been told that she is most likely to have Aspergers. Terrible tantrums Hates change Doesn't like going on trips or to new places Flies of the handle for the slightest reason one on one play, walks away or gets really moody if others try to join in Likes to lead The above are a few of the problems that we have, we have seven children with no issues. The problem we have is that she only shows these issues at home or when she is out with us, never at school. WHY! The school say she is relaxed and happy at school, makes us feel as though we are making things up. Can Aspergers present like this or are we barking up the wrong tree ?
  9. Well I have spoken with the head and her teacher at the new school and they have said that she is a very relaxed and happy child at school and that they think that Aspergers is out of the question although they have said that they will arrange a meeting with the EP when her emergency assessment comes up so that we can discuss the problems that we have at home. Does anyone else have the same problems that the child shows no signs at school, I feel as though I am and the school disbelieve what we go through at home. Last night she had severe ear pain, I wanted to get her to the out of hours doctor at the local hospital, but she was beside herself because she didn't want to go. (new environment), it took us over 1 1/2 hours to persuade her that she really needed help, once she was their and realised she had been before, she was fine. An ear infection was the cause. At the last school, we had the same issues, my husband got so frustrated that he kept saying to her don't take it out on us, take it out on your school, in the end she did and the school could see that we had problems. I don't want to get into this senario again. What can I do I came away feeling as though I was a hyper sensetive mother with nothing more to worry about than a child that was normal in their eyes, we have seven children between us, four living at home, we have never had these kind of problems with any of the other children. I am feeling quite delicate and tearful about the whole situation. I have three friends that work with children or adults with learning difficulties and all three have said that they think that she has problems, from thier own observations at home or in our care, but they can't put thier finger on it either.
  10. My daughter will watch the same programme over and over every day, such as Sponge Bob or High School Musical and is still as glued to the tele as if it were the first time she is watching it. Between my husband and I, we have 7 children four of which are now working, she is the youngest and the only one with educational needs, I cant remeber the others doing this with the tele.
  11. I am going to speak with the Head Teacher tomorrow, I am also having coffee with the mother who alerted me to this condition. I think after that I will be contacting our GP or advice and further qualified help to get to the bottom of what the real problem is.
  12. Thanks Chris You know how hard it is when you have that intuition that something is not quite right but you can't put your finger, how frustrating and upsetting it is. She sits at the dinner table every night with her knife and fork in the wrong hands struggling to eat, she doesn't seem to get the message that if she puts the knife in her left hand she will find it easier, I have to tell her to swap over. One thing that has dawned on me today, I haven't mentioned it to my husband yet, but she has never said she is hungry, but she always says she has stomach ache, I keep saying to her are you sure that you aren't hungry and she says no my stomach hurts
  13. I asked her last night waht she does at school when she is cross, she said mummy my face goes really red....... I said it is ok to show that you are cross, she said they will shout at me though I really don't think that they would at this new school because they are very keyed up on support for children with problems, maybe this is went on at the old school, I must ask her.
  14. My 9 year old is severely dyslexic, she was diagnosed last year privately. We have always felt that she has other problems, but have never been able to put our finger on what these issues mean. I was talking to the mother of an Aspergers child last night and quite out of the blue she asked if my daughter has Aspergers Syndrome. some of her issues are as follows Hates change Only plays one on one, if she can't then she goes it alone Has one friend that she has wrapped her whole world around hates loud noise Flies off the handle at the slightest thing Really bad temper tantrums and mood swings (only when with parents or siblings) no perception of time memory is terrible Prefers to stay at home Says things to people without realising how hurtful it is but is mortified when she has upset somenone or accidently hurts someone. The above is only a short description of her issues, for instance, we went to South Korea this year, she has been on several occasions, she didn't want to go. We had temper tantrums and she was really upset at the airport. On arriving she didn't want to leave the safety of the Hotel, we had four days of her crying, being moody and holding onto us for dear life, then she eventually settled into a reasonable state. Every term her school goes on a field trip, every term I get the tantrums, screaming and crying because she doesn't want to go or as she puts it, "I am not going". I am finding the situation very upsetting and would like some answers, can anyone advise or give any pointers please as to which way to go. She only seems to lash out etc at home, I think she just stamps her feet and stomps off in the school playground if she can't cope with anything.
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