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Posts posted by illy

  1. Hi and thanks for the kind words.


    We have had a trial and error regards medication, He started on Straterra, but as he had to swallow a capsule, and couldnt we asked if there was another way to take it. Doc said open capsule and put it in a drink. He could taste it and so wouldnt drink for three days!


    Then we tried Equasym, (Methephenadate) not sure if spelt right, this was in a capsule, but could be opened up and contents sprinkled into food, most days he didnt see it, but some he did. However this seemed to make him 10 times worse, with behaviour, and lack of inibitions, (think that is the right word). We have today started him on Risperdal, liquid form and he has to take 2 1/4 of an oucne a day. He sayd it tastes awful, but as he has Atypical autism too, his senses are very hightened.


    Not sure if this will help, but i hope so. He is also on a 20 Hour statment at school, but what good that is, when they keep excluding him I dont know.


    He swears alot at home, and this is partly why he has been excluded, not sure if the bad language is part of his condition, but he has so much going on, there may be many things there.


    Thanks for your time, and sorry to go on

    Hugs Elain

  2. Hi all, life seems to have really had me running round in circles quite a lot recently.

    Not sure if you will remember but I have 2 sons, and 1 has recently been finally! diagnosed DAMP and Atypical autism. Which includes ADHD & Dysprxia. My son has been excluded again!, He was exluded last week, at the beginning for two days, and went back on Wednesday.

    Today he went back, and has been exluded til next tuesday! (5 days).


    Apparently he kicked off at lunchtime, shouting abuse to passers by, who cmoplained to the headteacher.

    Now I know he swears, but I dont know how much of this is down to his condition, or just him being naughty.


    As you know it has took us a while to get a definate diagnosis,

    I dont know too much about what is involved with his condition, but I can tell you I am at the end of my tether.


    Hugs illy

  3. I have just looked at this with the timetable, My son had his Parents evening a couple of weeks ago now, and although they did show me his IEP (well notes lol) i have never been shown a timetable, and am yet to receive a copy of his IEP.


    As a parent with many concerns about my child, what rights do I have? Can I go to school at the beginning of the school day, and after, to see how things have been with my son at school?


    Thanks for any info

    Hugs Illy

  4. Hi I am looking at writing a letter of complaint to my sons teacher, due to how I was treated on Firday. I know what I need to say, but cant think how to start etc. I know it sounds stoopid! but with so many other things I have to do at the moment regarding my sons school etc, I just cant get my head round it all.


    So how do I start the letter, How do I end it


    Thanks for taking the time to read this


    Hugs Illy

  5. :unsure: Hi everyone, sorry it has been a while, family troubles, etc

    Anyway i am probably being cheeky with asking a question, and i hope you dont mind


    I saw a doctor yesterday about Anthony,(6 years old) He said that Anthony cant have Asperger because he had (Still has) speach problems!

    Why cant he? couldnt he have asperger but have a speech problem on top as well.


    He said he may have High Functioning Autism, because of the speech problems! totally confused, i know i am lol.


    He wants to do an IQ test on him, to see whethter he is high functioning.

    He also said it could be PDD NOS as it may be a combination?! is this right.


    Also that he may have ODD so what do you think

    Thanks in advance


    If you have ay ideas please let me know

    Hugs illy




  6. My son takes Riatalin, and without it life would certainly be hell for us and him. He has regular checks with his Paedatrician, every three months, and is told to see the nurse at his surgery once every 6 months.

    He has his weight, height, and blood pressure took, and he is fine.


    Without these pills he would be like a tazmanian devil on speed! so we need the tablets so he is able to get on with normal everyday life, as he should be able to.


    i am sure if there were these risks they wouldnt be able to use them.



  7. "Silly games"- illy, this is the approach widely used when working with children operating at a younger level. A non-direct game based technique is the most appropriate way of reinforcing language. It is clear that you were not aware why games are used which lead to this misunderstanding.


    Hope this explains a few issues.




    When i say silly games i do mean silly games, she let him wander off and do what he wanted, and didnt seem able to get him back to do what she needed him to do.

    I am a qualified nursery nurse, so i know alot about children in different settings etc, i think they need to see a bigger picute, and to better understand these chldrne see them in a home settting as an observer, and observing means sitting back, and watching and writing notes.

    I went to two and i dont think either of them were any good, they may be beter iin other areas, but in my experience they are not good.

    I have problems myself with some words, but didnt have speech theraly when young, but if what my son had was it then i am not bothered!


    Hugs illy

  8. In what way did they not listen to you?

    They just coudlnt see that anything was wrong with him but i a controlled room etc, it is hard, as he has one to one then.


    His speech wasnt overly bad, but he does have a very bad stutter but they no longer need to see him!

    I tried to say what he was like at home etc, but they dismissed, it, All they ever did was silly games,

    Hugs illy

  9. Hi everyone, soory i havnt posted in awhile

    :( I have a son called A who is 5 and has aspergers, and has always beena good sleeper since about age 4-5 months. It is his older brother who has ADHD that has been the problem with going to sleep etc.

    But this last month or so, he has been waking atleast 2 -3 times in teh week, 2 -3 times in the night. We are not sure why, and he comes in and tells us he cant sleep!

    We did say to him the other day, not to do it, and only wake us if he was ill, so last night he woke Nathan up to tell him he was ill, and us aswell. Well he wasnt and didnt feel ill at all. I think he said that because he thought he wouldnt get told off.

    The problem is why is he doing it now, as he has always been a great sleeper.

    Any advise would be great

    Hugs illy

  10. B) Well we had appointments yesterday to see the Paediatrician, Nat has been to see before, but he hasnt seen Ant,

    Anyway Anthony was first and it went well, He asked me what Ant ws like etc, which i explained, His violence, his swearing, his Lining up, his obsessins, etc etc.

    He did ask if i tought he had ADHD, but Anthony is the least active chid, very lethargic, so i dnot think there is tha there.

    He said about the meeting i have had with Ed Pysch and asked what i thought he thought, and what he had siad, ' He is a boy and he is young???' and he sort of looked as though to say 'oh!' as if he had heard it before.

    Ant stuttered whhile we were there which he doesnt do when we have been S & L therapy. Told about the fact that we had had one Physio appoointment but she couldnt cope as Ant wouldnt do what she wanted and was too busy tidying her things up, and that she had mentioned Dyspraxia.

    Anyway he wants to get a few Professionals together to talk things through and get a proper Diagnosis, he just has Autisitc Spectrum Disorder at the moment, but i truly believe he has Aspergers, Dyspraxia and maybe tourettes.

    He asked if there was one thing we could concentrateo now, and do sometihng about it, what would it be, I said Aggresion/swearing, he thought i would say the toiletting but that is being dealt with

    So he is going to sort a Clinical Psychologist out for him, and see what he can do, Not sure what they do and how different they are to Ed Psych, bgot to be better than who we have!

    Also he is going to refer us to a social worker, as he cuold see i am at the end of my Tether, with both the boys.

    We didnt have time to say much about how Nat was, but he asked him how things were going, He was weighed and has put on about 10 lbs, which is good and so his Meds have been upped dfrom 20mg to 30mg a day.

    I did say that Nathan gets very Paranoid and sems to have a split personality not in front of nathan, but there wasnt much time to talk about it.

    We will see him again in two months, but He is coming to the Meeting at Ants school on 16th Dec, sohopefully he wil say his findings to the dopey teachers and Ed Psych.

    Sorry for going on but i feel taht someting is atlast going right and that he actuallylistened t me

    Hugs illy

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