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Posts posted by treetree

  1. had support woman today whos going to help me i she has told me she will help me in anyway she can and thinks that alicia had slipped through the sysem and thats why its taken so long to get were i am so im really relieved that she has got some reconition and hopefully now things will get better

  2. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction.xx


    i know im so pleased hopefully when this all happens at least i know what im dealing with and i then can address it and move forward i asked her teacher to do me a detailed report on what she was like in school as went for dx in nov but they said she didnt quite fit in to the as box but now after hearing them all speak at the school meating the cdc have decided oh yes she does and still think its as and pda with a bit of ada.


    there now deciding were to have her assesed and are looking at ryegate ,i finally feel like someone believes me after all this time ,i told the lady at cdc that when they come into your house and assess your child for a mere 10 20 mins how can they turn round and actually say i dont quite fit into that box it really annoyed me so i told her to swap places and then let me know lol she declined

  3. after all this time been trying to get a dx the cdc have basically told me that they couldnt come to a firm diagnosis but felt alicia had alot of behaviours on the autistic spectrum which i really am pleased that there saying there is somthing but scince having a meeting at school and going from having no support what so ever iv got people coming out now in all directions now they have decided to go for a statement and there now arranging for alicia to have an assesment so fingers cross i might find out lol and bless her shes got to have an epipen because shes allergic to peanuts

  4. I need help today was a nightmare had to take Alicia to school she complained her legs were hurting her again and could hardly walk ,Lauren had to take the pram from me and push Bradley to school ,so I could carry her my arms hurt and feel dead we were late once again ,I know I carnt keep carrying on like this I need some help have phoned secretary to see if I can push the physio appointment thou still waiting for them to get back to me have phoned the school nurse spoke to the health visitor ,have even spoke to child development for advice feel like crying my eyes out had big meltdown she wouldn?t get dressed because she hadn?t brushed her teeth so we had a tantrum shouting at me screaming don?t know how I diffused it think I went on auto pilot .then coming from school she was fine spoke to a lady who said I might be best doing a self referral for a social worker but not sure if that?s best thing to do as still waiting for a diagnosis oh im so fed up any advice please have thought about a buggy board but not sure on that as she needs to build up her muscles in her legs any one got any advice please

  5. my daughter is 5 have same prob with her i can remember once she had tried to wipe her own bum we had it on the floor on the bath in the bath my freind nearly stood in it and to top it all we couldnt find her knickers ,we search high and low never did find them she has a tear in her bum and is on lactolose movicol sodium pico sulphate and we still have leakages she poohed her self yest at her nans ,its suprising howmany kids with as have thease prob s >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> to you tom might be better teresa

  6. i too can sympathise (i think thats how you spell it)lol my daughter is 5 and she doesnt want to go to school and tells me she wishes she was ababy again so she can stay at home with me all day ,im having a few probs with her at the moment ,in middle of going for a diagnosis for as and ppd but the kids in her class are starting to notice she is diffrent to them and have been bullying her which i have sorted out now .thankfully but her teacher is fab and i do have the school on my side but it does break your heart knowing there unhappy and u have put them in that situation but thats not your fault,when she comes home from school she will cry and then go upstairs and watch tv and just go into her own little world ,i sometimes wish i could swap places with her and see how she feels and copes and what she is thinking , >:D<<'> >:D<<'> to you i feel the same teresa

  7. sorry not been on had alicia of with stomach bug relief really cause ive not had to listen to it ha but no seriously it was driving me round the bend ,ended up having to tell her teacher she was petrified of big ben,she never wants to go to london because she will catch fire had to explain to her it happened such a long time ago and that the fire isnt ther ,she just believes evreything is so real and happening now i think trying to explain is so hard

  8. alicia has come home from scool today and yes u guessed it shes learning about london,anyway she keeps on going on and on about big ben and that she dosent ever want to go to london as shes scared she will be wiped out by the fire and the bells on big ben will chime that loud it will hurt her ears i had to laugh but now after 4 hours of listing to this its driving me mad , :D but hey guess it might be a move on from the death obsession ha ha

  9. hi not posted for a while as been trying to get my head round all sorts of stuff = had a holiday and then with christmas coming up not really had that much time so here i am to fill you in on the latest ,i went to the hospital in nov for hopefully a diagnosis on alicia but didnt quite get that they want to do further assesments on her as they say she dosent quite fit ,but i got really peed off with them as when had the thursday morning assessment previouse to this meeting ,you know the one were they come to your house for an hour and think they know evreything about your child and bla bla bla ,well i mentioned to them that she liked to strip naked and stare at herself in the mirror and would say look at my bum bum shes 5 by hte way and when she had a bath she would touch her self and is always fiddleing with her bits because i felt for a 5 yr old that wasnt normal perhaps it s me i dont know ,well when we went for this diagnosis i found me and my partner been asked if we minded been check ed out by the child protection team as because it was sexuall they had to do this ,we both agreed we didnt mind as we had nothing to hide but god it was awful as we were going away the next day and i was dreaming we were going to get stopped at the airport and all sort of stuff ,so we went away to futerventura for 2 weeks sheer bliss (god we needed this)got the report bk when we came back that all was clear and when we were to go and see the peadatrition in dec they were going to swabs to check for thrush, worms ect .So we went to her appointment and the consultant wasnt their but another doctor was and i mentioned to him all that had happened and he asked me why she went to the child dev so explained why i had had her checked out ect and he has arranged for me to have 1 hour cons with the main pead as he feels i need to see him as soon as so got anappointment in feb .


    anyway we had booked this clayavoant and went last night hadnt mentioned anything regarding alicia and she told me that i must follow my instincts and to tell people that if i dont push this and keep on fighting then i might regret this for the rest of my life and if nothing does come of this then i will at least had some peace of mind and to keep on fighting and i will get answers in the next 6 months and some good will come of this she told me school are watching now and mention ed disprixia what ever that is but ther are issues and she mentioned that she dindnt sense danger and consequences and god i could of kissed her as this isreally the first bit of poss news ive had and she told me im tired but things will get bettet and oh yeah im going to have another baby in the next twelve months then i could of cried as 3 enough for me


    well im sorry fo moaning but needed to get that of my chest find it easier to write down and express my self than speak cr*p at speelling and punc but who cares im sure you will understand thanks for listning



  10. ;) my daughter is 5 years old and the latest obsession is about death and she keeps saying to me were not going to die mum are we ,when we go to jesus he mends us dosent he and then were better again arnt we ,has any anybody else been through this and any advice given is much apprieciated thanks

    Teresa ;);)

  11. :pray::pray: hi its teresa i know excatly what your going throu i had the same thing today was there for two hours but sadley they coulnt confirm the diagnosis for alicia and said she was a very paticular girl that like to do things in repeated ways ect ect i felt like banging my head against the wall :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: but they havent dismiss there are issues and untill she is older andshowing more signs ect ect they carnt confirm but they did mention asdso now im all confused but hey im going on hols tomorrow so will find an internet cafe to see how you doing dont worry you will be finei know its easier said than done but i was actually alot more calmer today than last week as you probably know from my post im keeping my fingers crossed that you get somewere all the best teresa >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> :pray: you was only saying last week you wished it was happening to you well your prays have been answered someone must be watching over you :lol::lol::lol:

  12. well we went sat there for 2 hours and they gave me nothing just that she was a very paticular little girl and that they would have to assess her further they mention adah i think thats what you call it but they wasnt sure so im still no further into finding anything out they told me they hadnt had time to sit and watch the recording i had done for them which i feel was really important and thought with today theywould have looked they only had one sheet of paper to which i had wrote down but i had given them a diary as to what alicia had been doing for the past 6 months and they didnt even have that so at the moment i dont know what to feel except ive got so much to do before tom so at least i will be abe to relax on hol and chill out a bit teresa :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::angry::angry::angry::angry:

  13. well we go to day at 2 o clock and i find out what ive been waiting to here for the past 5 years im not as nervouse as i was last week as i have got all the packing to do as we go tomorrow for 2 weeks sheer heaven carnt wait perhaps im feeling like this as ive or should i say all of us have somthing to look forward to i just hope they have some answers for us and i hope the recording i did helps them to understand so will let you all know later thanks for all your support im really grateful and have found :robbie::robbie:>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> tons of info on here from you all teresa

  14. best bit about this thou my mother in law doesnt believe me and came for the assesment back in sept (i only let her come to open her eyes)and driving home ha got to laugh now because she hadnt put the child loc on in the car alicia opened the car door while we driving home good job id got fast reflexes and was talking to her the other day regaurding alicia getting her diagnosis and she told me after all this time that she puts thngs in line s when she was younger can you believe it i sy its on there side not mine :dance::shame:

  15. this is what happened today and im sat here with a can of larger more relaxed than i have been for along time :lol: well they came my heart was bumping nervouse as hell and they were great one lady stayed and played with alicia whilst the other ladyspoke to me in the kitchen she went through the questionair i had to fill in from birth to present and said to me i had a lot to deal with and yes there was problemsi told her i had been on this forum and i should just give her the link because evreything on here describes alicia to a tea but also what i had done the other night and why i didnt think about it before was to record alicia lining up all her misters and moving from room to room to having a reaction to some one knocking them over to what she did and how she reacted and my advice to anyone is to do this as it shows them in a diffrent light to what they might see for 45 mins to an hour the woman who was watching alicia said it was amazing as to what she had seen whilst playing with her was totally diffrewnt to what she had just seen,They also asked me to see what her reaction would be to turning the tv off and she got angry and told them to turn it back on they dropped somthing loud to see what she did with the noises as she covers her ears ,now im totatally relax and feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders but they said there was somthing not right and they will let me know next week with the results and to take someone with me as its a lot to take in so well see what happens have told my partner about what has been said and hes changing his day off to come along and support me :devil:

  16. hi i know excatly what you are going throgh my sister in law/mother in law are excatly the same and you judt feel like slapping a stinky fish round there chops and saying hello anyone in ther e :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: anyway my name is Teresa and im a mum with 3 kids ,lauren 10, alicia 5, brad 1, tOMORROW im going to have my daughter reassed at the child development center and im petrified ,she was suspected of having aspergus and pdla in april this year scince then they were going to moniter her on thursday morns at school and at home but this six weeks hols she has been an absolute nightmare ,she does the norm,routines has to be first ,goes in to her own world,got no sense of danger ,covers ears up when lorrys , buses go buy and sits on the floor refusing to move she throws tantrums gets frustrated loves to spin things doesnt here me when i call her but she has passed her hearing test she was a late developer at walking crawling speaking only happened after 18 mnths old ,has no concentration ,she carnt read between fact/fiction ,has obssesions,will only eat certian foods ,has trouble going to loo for phoos god the list goes on and on i had big almighty fight with sisterin law because she said nothing wrong with her and she not thick ,iknow she not thick in fact she highly intelligent and has a great iq and a very good passion for music and singing ,painting ect ijust feel as thou im on my own and get no support off anyone except my two good friends jayne and marie who can see i need help support . I do live with my partnerof 13 yrs and sometimes yes he does help but not enough i needed him to come with me tomorrow and he said he would only now he said forgot all about it and carnt get time off ,i realy peed off with him and told him to find out what more important the family or work i think i was very harsh but its only cause i petrified anyway thanks for listning , but i think he in denial something a missi dont know if you have read my other posts but this past 6 months have been a night mare and im starting to see a light only a small one mind you but it will get better just ignore them you know your child better than anyone as the child asses ment lady said to me today so heres a big >:D<<'> >:D<<'> to you from me teresa

  17. well they came my heart was bumping nervouse as hell and they were great one lady stayed and played with alicia whilst the other ladyspoke to me in the kitchen she went through the questionair i had to fill in from birth to present and said to me i had a lot to deal with and yes there was problemsi told her i had been on this forum and i should just give her the link because evreything on here describes alicia to a tea but also what i had done the other night and why i didnt think about it before was to record alicia lining up all her misters and moving from room to room to having a reaction to some one knocking them over to what she did and how she reacted and my advice to anyone is to do this as it shows them in a diffrent light to what they might see for 45 mins to an hour the woman who was watching alicia said it was amazing as to what she had seen whilst playing with her was totally diffrewnt to what she had just seen,They also asked me to see what her reaction would be to turning the tv off and she got angry and told them to turn it back on they dropped somthing loud to see what she did with the noises as she covers her ears ,now im totatally relax and feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders but they said there was somthing not right and they will let me know next week with the results and to take someone with me as its a lot to take in so well see what happens this is an update of what happened today im so pleased and ahh relaxed dont feel half as stressed now :clap::clap:

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