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Everything posted by blueoryion

  1. Hello all, I'm 24 and was diagnosed with Aspergers a few months ago. I've always been particularly sensitive to sounds and some music; when I was smaller I would cover my ears and scream as a reaction. Now I'm older, I realise this is incredibly anti-social and have stopped doing it. However, whenever I hear certain sounds and music I get very anxious and often upset. People around me brush it off, saying I'm being childish and should just 'block' the sounds out, but it is not as simple as that. I can't explain why it makes me feel so uncomfortable and anxious, I honestly don't know. All I know is I have to get away from it as quickly as possible. More specifically, the issue here is that where I work, my boss keeps playing the same CD over and over again. Unfortunately, the CD he's fallen so much in love with is one that is seriously affecting me. For some reason I'm over-sensitive to it. I can't wear earplugs because I have to speak to people and I've tried explaining how I feel and all he says is, 'It's for the customers, we have to give them what they want.' He doesn't care that this is making me so upset. On one hand I feel really stupid, because I know 'normal' people aren't affected in the same way I am by these things, but on the other hand I feel that my boss should respect my feelings. Here's the twist - my boss is also my father. Am I the only one who's affected so much by music and sounds? Does anyone have an idea as to how I can combat this? I've tried breathing exercises to help with the anxiety but they never work. Please help! Amy x
  2. Hi, I don't know if this is going to be of any help, but I'm 24 and I have ASD. I get angry and frustrated very easily and I tend to lash out at people. This has become more controllable as I've gotten older but I understand that a boy will do more damage than a girl! Perhaps it's worth explaining why he does this to the school so they may tell the pupils that when your son hurts them it is not because he wants to, he can't help it. On the other hand, your son might find martial arts or something similar helpful in order to understand when violence is relevant and when it is not. I took up Aikido a while ago and it has really helped me to view violence in a different way and the times I would usually get frustrated with someone and hurt them, I find myself going through my breathing exercises and planning the attack as I have been taught, and by the time I've done this in my mind, I am calm again! Martial arts teach discipline and breathing exercises that prove helpful in everything I do in my life. Aikido is a calmer form of martial art, aimed at women who want to learn self-defence techniques. Perhaps Judo, Karate or Tae Kwon Do would be better suited to your son. Good luck! Amy x
  3. Hi Caz, Tally is right. It's hard to sum it all up in one sentence, and we are all different. Personally, I was only diagnosed a few months ago. I am 24. I categorise things and feel very anxious is something is put out of place. I find it hard to understand what people are saying to me half the time, but I have learnt to cover it up and 'blag it', so my disorder went unnoticed throughout my childhood. I recoil from physical contact. I have been told that I am rude to people, but in my head I'm being as polite as I can. I get obsessed with things and they take over my thoughts and my life. I have always known that there was something about me that separated me from everyone else. It wasn't until last year that I started looking into it because my 'habits' and differences were really affecting my life. I spoke to my GP and he referred me. I also spoke to the NAS and the people there were very helpful. They filled in all the gaps for me. It's probably best to seek as much advice as you can, surf the internet and perhaps take a couple of AQ tests. You may find that a GP's opinion won't change anything - you can self-diagnose if it makes you more comfortable. Good luck Caz and remember there are many of us out there and you are not on your own! Amy x
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