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About maggzymay

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill
  1. maggzymay


    thanks for the welcome.
  2. maggzymay


    Just thought it was time I actually posted in here as I pop back and forth, both my sons are on the spectrum, my youngest is high functioning autistic diagnosed in February this year at age of 8. My eldest was just diagnosed this week, he is 11. I am at a loss at the moment as we were always aware of my youngest son being autistic but it has been a complete shock with my eldest and I am struggling to come to terms with it. I think I have now coming to the point where we are in need of support from others rather than struggling along as we are. hope to get back on top of things soon. well hello from me and my brood. xx
  3. Sian Stuart will add in Camerons once I get his page
  4. What age is he so I can put up a link for you?
  5. Well as far as being treated like an NT is concerned my son is still at the stage of being unaware he is different from other children as he hasn't been told that he has aspergers so to him it is just a competition where you score points that a friend is in so he wanted to be on it too.
  6. My son wanted to be in this competition due to the fact I was voting for one of my friends children and he wanted to join in. I totally understand where you are coming from on this subject as you are in a position that I myself can only ever view from the side lines when bringing up my son's but I do feel that no matter what if my child wants to enter this then his aspergers should not be the deciding factor for him not to enter. Too long in this world has there been a shun on all disabilities, I personally would love to see more disabled people on television and advertising rather than only have a few token placements just to make the big wigs look like they are promoting equal opportunity. p.s. did my voting for the day
  7. We are that lol and my brother was in the advert too
  8. I take it this is Sian, I hope so as I voted earlier. Sian
  9. is she now up on the website, as I will give her a vote
  10. Ty very much, as he likes his numbers it is a great little distraction to keep him going during the school holidays
  11. Kinder are having a competition for children aged between 4 and 11 to become the face of Kinder. My son wanted to enter I am hoping to get support on this so we can show people that kids with special needs can be just as worthy to be the face of a product just as much as any other child. My son I am sure there are other people kids on here that would like to enter. If you feel this post is in appropriate I will be happy for it to be removed. Would love to see more kids on there though with specific needs to see how the company deals with that if they get in the top 100.
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