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Aaryk Noctivagus

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Everything posted by Aaryk Noctivagus

  1. I'm going to be blunt. If the Specialist said that about eye contact then the Specialist needs re-education (I was going to be blunter than that, but got tickled by the polite stick suddenly - lol). Whilst it is usual for Autistics to give poor eye contact it is NOT universal. My daughter and I give fleeting eye contact, but my son (who is also Autistic) gives much better eye contact and is not avoidant to a degree that it would separate his eye-contact particularly from that of an Neurologically Typical child. Autism should never be discounted on eye-contact abilities alone.
  2. I understand it is difficult to get DLA for a High Functioning Adult (HFA or AS). I do have DLA, but that is because I have arthritis... I do not believe I would have got it for my HFA, and I haven't tried regarding my depression (nor will I try for that). As Nobby says, DLA is not enough to live on... however, I believe I am right in saying it is not means tested and it doesn't matter if you are at University or at work... I may be wrong on this. DLA is not an easy ride, and no excuse to leave University and simply not work. I am on benefits, and I wish I was not... I feel like a beggar and am ashamed of it
  3. I am Autistic and I have an Auto Immune disease... Rheumatoid-type Arthritis... the 'type' is because, unlike RA, I am affected asymetrically. My body treats my joints like foreign matter. Fortunately, with my Autism I am Hypo-sensitive to pain, so I just feel the discomfort rather than too much of the pain Doctors seem to expect me to be feeling. Clouds and silver linings, eh?
  4. I don't know the rate, but both my children are on DLA. They are at the less severe end of Autism (HFA), and are verbal but developed that later than usual. We don't have blue badge because neither my wife nor I are drivers... but both have free bus passes with plus ones. I do not think you were being unfair in your application. I think you should apply again or contest the refusal, and also talk to your support professionals about this also. Also the CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) is very good for helping with the filling in of forms, if the Support Pros are not available. Don't take the refusal of DLA lying down.
  5. Thanks Bid With MySpace music, their new player does take a while before a chosen piece plays. They now permit ten pieces, so I'll soon be uploading a few more cues. It should work, I've just checked... but it does take a little while these days before the music plays. Sorry about that. With the 'Drawing Clara' video... the sound quality isn't very good... but it was composed as part of the score for 'The Jigsaw of Life'. The Director recently aproached me to work with him again and said the critics had been quite complimentary about my work also
  6. Hi Bid Oh dear that sounds like I've won an auction - lol I'm really worried at the moment because of my multiple first post I'm hoping it won't be thought of as spam so I've editted each apart from the one above. My post just would not post... though I've had no problems since I was reading a thread you were involved in in November of 2008 while I was waiting to be permitted to post here Very nice to E-meet you, Bid
  7. Yikes Sorry about the repeat postings... when I was posting it didn't respond... I'd delete the superfluous ones if I could... perhaps a Moddy can help. Sorry
  8. Hi All I am a diagnosed Autistic adult (43) and father to two delightful Autistic children (7 and 5). I'm married to a wonderful (and very patient) Neurologically Typical Swiss lady... who I have dubbed Geographically Autistic (we all live in the UK), as opposed to my children and I who are Biologically Autistic (somewhat alien even though in our own land) - lol I compose music (or try to) for micro-budget films... I'll link to my MySpace page in my Signature later where some of my music can be heard if anybody is interested I know in some fora, Sigs do not permit links... if that is the case here, then no link will appear. (I also have Rheumatoid type Arthritis, and suffer from depression to varying degrees, even though I tend to be known for my terrible puns). My Special Obsession is somewhat wider than is commonly anticipated in an Autistic... basically anything to do with films and the film business Its lovely to be here
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