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Everything posted by MrsD

  1. Hi, I have twins, almost 3 years old, boy & girl. I've known my son was on the spectrum since he was 14 months old. He has not yet been diagnosed but I think the diagnosis will be made very soon. Last week the Child Psychologist completed the CARS questionnaire with my help and my son scored 39. Apparently mild/moderate autism ends at 36. 37+ apparently means severe autism. I always believed him to have mild autism but it now looks like it could be moderate to severe. My daughter, my son's twin, also displays some quirky behaviour. I'm not really concerned about her because it's so minor, I think she'll grow out of it. She doesn't like wearing new clothes/shoes, won't wear dresses/skirts or anything in her hair. She loves routine and can get upset if it's changed. She has no social interaction problems. She's a few months behind with her speech. She's on the waiting list for the Child Psychologist who does think she's on the mild end of the spectrum. I am very upset about my son. I can't help but think about the future and what it will mean for him. I feel sorry for him - I know I shouldn't - and I keep wondering WHY. I have loads of questions for you but the main one for now is how on earth do you cope (emotionally) and keep positive? Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you. Dee
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