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Everything posted by Honey-bunny

  1. Thank you Karen for taking the time to reply, I will digest what you say! Many thanks.
  2. Hello, K is nearly 6 and we have been within the ‘system’ since she was about 2 and a half. We first became involved because she could not speak at the required mile stone; she made certain noises which we understood to mean certain things. She started pre-school at 3 and this seemed to help assisted with speech therapy/OT etc at our Children’s Centre. We have seen a pediatrician many times, yearly now and when pushed she said that K had a speech and language receptive and expressive delay. When she was about 2 and a half she had her ‘ways’ which I suppose we just jogged along with. We could not break her routine that she decided she had. Meals had to be certain foods laid out in a certain way, toys were laid out in lines, puzzles were done a certain way and god help you if you tried to change how she wanted things done. She suffered with night terrors for years from as little as two a week up to 2 or 3 a night every night. She’s always been a little highly strung but being mum I could and can get round her but she can go off in a hysterical screaming fit not as often now though. Noisy toys had to be put away as she could not cope with them and singing was a no, no. She now goes to main stream school, started in September. This was great as there was only 20 in the class, she has thrown herself totally into school and she loves it so much! She says that everyone is her best friend although she does not specifically have a best friend. I have watched her in the playground and she makes me cry, often she wanders around on her own singing, dancing etc whilst everyone else seems to play together. She has recently learned the art of imaginative play; she couldn’t do it for years not for the want of trying to teach her. We have a friend for tea once a week to encourage K to learn to play, which is helping. She is a very friendly little girl, too friendly if you ask me speaking to anyone at all, which worries me. Her reading is beyond her age and she loves to read and read. Her writing too is excellent, although the OT says she doesn’t hold the pen properly!! She can’t cut with scissors, put on socks and do buttons. She is obsessed with the computer and I have to fight (joking) to get on here sometimes. Her speech is fantastic now, although probably not on the same level as her peers. The problem we encounter now is her behavior not at home but at school. Her teacher is referring us to the ‘Cluster’ group (?) and I believe a behavioral therapist will come into school and observe her. I don’t seem to have these problems at home, or perhaps I am just used to dealing with her. I have recently been to see the school nurse who I think is referring us back to our pediatrician. I know K is different from other children; other parents see her at ‘normal’ as she doesn’t look different but in my heart I know there is more to this. Autism has been batted about over the years as has ADD. Asperger’s has been questioned too as K has an older step-brother who was diagnosed at 5 (now 15) as having tendencies, he seems to have developed a coping strategy now. There are also two other children, a step-sister who is 13 and a sister who is 2 who both seem to be showing no signs of any differences. I know K is not as bad as some children but feel that because she isn’t that bad no-one seems to want to help us – any suggestions please? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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