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About jaj

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. jaj

    new to site

    Hi all Thank you for your replys. First things first we will negotiate with LA over the wording in parts 2 and 3. The independent school said they could meet his needs but would need to do a 3 day assessment. to do this school needs to be named on the statement then they would offer a place if funding was agreed by LA. I discovered that if I the LA won't name the school I can pay for the assessment privatley and then go to appeal. But need diagnosis confirmed. Will see how meeting goes with LA. Am in touch with parents in partnership who are great in my area except they don't work school hols!!! J.x
  2. jaj

    new to site

    Hi New to the site but have been reading posts for a few weeks. My 13 year old looks likely to get a diagnosis of high functioning aspergers at the begining of Sept. We are at the proposed statement stage. At the mo he is at a pupil referral unit having been permanently excluded from school( we challenged this and it was overturned at appeal but we did not feel he could go back as relationships have broken down). LEA have recommended a school which when I visited I felt was awful was mainly for kids with significant behavioural problems. Son has problems with social interaction mainly in unstructured times and when he percieves a situation as threatening he can be aggressive or will go to othe extreme and withdraw completely. But he is not badly behaved on a day to day basis he is polite helpful and considerate. He is also very accademically able and this school had almost no results at GCSE level. The kids at the school were swearing and abusive to the staff and leave class on a regular basis. Just don't think this is the right place. However LEA say and I have checked locally there are not many other options. Have found an independent special school which seemed to use many of the approaches we use at home and is accademically challenging but they cater only for children with aspergers diagnosis. Problem is thet this will not be made before the LEA want to finalise the statement so they say I can't put it down as my prefered school. Any suggestions? We are meeting LEA soon to disscuss proposed statement which does not say how much when or who will provide his support which we are going to ask them to put in it. I am exhausted what with school appeal and now the fight for a statement and then for a school no doubt!!!!!Is it always like this.
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