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Everything posted by Mumof2

  1. I started my sons on Epsom salts baths last week. Already my AS son seems calmer. His non-AS brother takes a bath with him and he seems more relaxed as well. I put it about 1 cup of it per bath. I tried to buy more at a few pharmacies and they no longer stock it! Not even the big B...ts shop near us! I've ordered more via internet. Theresa
  2. That's great news ... my eldest hasn't taken to the soya milk yet but he does love broccoli. I will give Tesco brand a try as well.
  3. Thanks for the tips. I went to the health food shop today, and they were out of the hazelnut milk! My youngest liked the rice milk. I tried putting a bit in my oldest son's milk, but he said it was too sweet! I'll have to find a plainer one for him. will try the soya milk next time I go to the shop. thanks again... Theresa
  4. Hi, I am hoping to start the GF/CF diet next week. My son (4 1/2) is very addicted to milk, so getting him to give it up will be tricky. Can anyone recommend good milk substitutes? Any advice for getting him to switch over smoothly? I have ordered a book, but it won't arrive for 10-12 days! Shopping with two small boys doesn't allow me much time to read labels! I have heard of DariFree but it sounds as if it's only avialable online? Thanks, Theresa
  5. Hi everyone, I am delighted to find this forum! My eldest son, aged 4 1/2, has Asperger syndrome. He is usually a clever little darling but sometimes he is a real handful! He is starting fulltime school in September. Learning is no problem for him; he taught himself to read and has a head full of knowledge already. socializing, sharing, sitting still are all problems for him. I wish I could delay his start by another year! He doesn't yet have a statement in place so I'm not sure how he'll do. My youngest son, aged 3 1/2, doesn't have the socialization problems but I'm concerned he is very rigid and very routine oriented. My husband also shows signs of having AS but he is not interested in looking into it. At the moment I am looking into starting the GF/CF diet. My As son is very addicted to milk and will only eat "soft" things. I have already decreased my youngest son's milk, and it improved his sleep tremendously. (He was waking up a few times a night, having bad dreams and scratching himself all over...) It is lovely to find a place with others who are sharing the same experiences of joy and frustration! Theresa
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