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Posts posted by caci

  1. I'm not an expert, but I was advised to give as much evidence and proof as I could. (I think by parentpartnership, but it is a couple of years, and several battles ago now !)


    If you think it might help I can email you a copy of what I sent in and you could pick out any bits you fancy ?



  2. I think what you have written is really good, but can you back it up with any proof ?


    How do you find out about any incidents ? I sent in a copy of my son's home/school contact book as proof of several incidents.


    Have you got copies of the exclusion letters to send in ?


    Do you have test results that prove lack of progress ? I sent in the results from QCA tests, but I don't know if all schools do these. Even a copy of the school report might help (but read it carefully first as these tend to be very positive, so might not be what you are looking for)


    Maybe send IEPs (but check they back your claims)


    Ours went as far as 5.00pm the night before the tribunal date before the LEA backed down and agreed to assess, so don't give up.


    Good luck, it is exhausting to keep fighting, but it is worth it as our children derserve better treatment.

  3. When I worked as an ISA I supported a child who was not ready to move on with her peers, so she was allowed to re- do a school year. In her case she re-did yr2. She then carried on through school system with the new yr group. She is now in Yr10 but her age means she should be in yr 11.


    I suppose that is really what you are asking for, to re-do a year, but in your case Yr 11 ?

  4. I think you need to trust your instincts, and remember you know your child best.


    If you think there is any part of the trip she might like, then try to arrange for her to be included. Maybe she would enjoy sharing a bedroom (my son would HATE that), maybe she wants to do one of the activities planned.


    In our case, there was nothing on the agendas that our son would consider doing, or even watching, plus he has never had a sleep over without me, so he has not been on any of the trips so far (now in Yr 7 - age 11yrs)

  5. From personal experience I NEVER assume anyone has read any previous information and send a full copy of everything to everyone every time. Unfortunately this cost a fortune in photocopying, but I think it is worth it .


    I also keep an exact copy of what I have sent to each person, just in case it goes missing.



  6. Maybe dark coloured pants (not boxers) might make things a bit less obvious in term of marks or poo dropping out of leg holes (sorry TMI) .


    I think if PE is an issue, you should be able to arrange for him to sit out. Give him a plausible excuse, such as he is taking "special medicine" and can not run around, so he doesn't have to think up answers if his peers start asking awkward questions.

  7. I honestly think you would do better in speaking to the new school staff. I know from experience how little infomation is passed on from primary to secondary (or maybe we were just unlucky?)


    I would post a copy of your notes and letter to the new school, with a covering letter asking for a meeting in a couple of weeks time. That will give them a chance to read through what you have written, and hopefully the points can be discussed when you meet.


    Have you heard of Parent Partnership ? They often get involved if you are trying to get a stautory assessment (for a statement) but sometime can arrange for someone to go to mettings at the school with you. I have found it has helped me to send PP a set of my notes before the meeting, and although I can generally put my points across, it is good to know someone else is on hand to back you up.


    You are definately NOT rubbish, you are the EXPERT regarding your daughter.

  8. Our son is 11.5 yrs and will only take "baby" calpol. (the one for up to 6 yrs )


    I just increased the dose to match his age and weight, so he now has 20ml of baby calpol (4 teaspoons) which is 480mg. One paracetamol tablet is 500mg and the recommended dosage for 6 - 12 yrs is half to one tablet.


    It is a very expensive way of doing things, but it works and to be honest he doesn't need it very often

  9. Have you thought about using a cat rescue instead of a cattery ?


    As they deal with cats that have undergone various traumas, I think the y would be used to one which does not want personal attention.


    Try Cats protection league etc. They probably don't take cats routinely for holiday care, but if you explain your circumstances they may be able to help you.

  10. Have you seen Club Penguin ?


    Not quite Dungeons and Dragons, but FREE and very suitable for a 6 year old. In fact this is allowed at my son's school (and schools are really strict on what they allow)


    Another free one is ROBLOX, but maybe for a slightly older age group - it is closely monitored but invovles building lego type buildings (I think )


    They are both live online but you can restrict the conversation to "safe chat" or allow "free chat" as she gets older.

  11. If you go in the school holidays, be prepared to queue to get in. Maybe take something to do whilst waiting in the line.


    They search your bags, but only really a quick look, not a scanner like at an airport, but they do ask if you have any scissors etc. I know that as I had a small pair of baby nail scissors in my bag, but they were ok about those.

  12. Hello - I don't claim to be an expert, but I am mum to a child with PDD-NOS.


    As far as I can tell, the whole support system in schools is based on the state schools and not private. If you choose to pay for an independant education, I am concerned that you may find the education system offers you no support at all.


    It is a very difficult choice, and I am not sure from your post if you have started on the school action, school action + route, with a view to applying for statutory assessment (and hopefully a statement). If you haven't statrted yet, the whole process could take a couple of years, but can you wait that long ?


    Catch 22 isn't it.


    Hopefully someone will be able to confirm how things work if you move into the private edcuation sector.

  13. When I was working in mainstream school as an ISA about a year ago, I was getting paid about £9.00 per hour (take home) which means it was costing the LEA something like £12.00 an hour. I have NVQ3 and have several years experience, so my wage was probably at the top end of the pay scale, and I am close enough to London to get the equivilent of outer London weighting (I think).


    On that basis, I think you are getting something like £13,600 a year


    Is that any help ?

  14. Does he have a statement ? If yes, then submit the report from the independant OT advising he needs to move around etc during the school day. If they can manage to fit in several 5-10 min breaks during his day when he can be supervised doing "excercise" then his concentration may improve,

    If they decide not to incorporate the OT advise into the statement, then they can hardly blame you if he can't concentrate.

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