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Everything posted by lorac

  1. lorac

    anyone in sussex

    Hi! We're completely snowed in and don't dare try to go out - roads now an ice rink, and down a country lane which is never gritted! Got the kids out tobogganing though with their dad and they loved it! Also made Gingerbread Men/ women/ elephants / stars etc and then iced them in garish colours. My two loved it and it certainly took up a good slice of the day. My son strugglling though with lack of routine (even though I try to explain what we are doing every day) and he hates it when his sister tries to join in. Peacekeeper here we come! Hope you're keeping warm and safe!
  2. Hi there! We've only just discovered that our son may be AS - he's 4 - and would love to get in contact with anyone in Sussex who has children of similar age (or older). Is there a group that meets? Or just for a chat every now and then would be great ... Anyone else snowed in? Great fun, but my little ones find it a bit tough going :-)
  3. lorac

    hi there!

    Hi JsMum. Thank you for your support! Will go on to the NAS website and look at what they recommend re schools. Ta also for advice on looking after ourselves: so often we don't and then we're not much good to anyone, never mind ourselves! Hope your son is doing okay and looking forward to school. Bye for now!
  4. lorac

    hi there!

    My son has been going through the initial assessment stages for AS - he's just 4 - and we are still reeling from shock over it all. We have always realised that he's a different little boy, but it was brought to our attention by his nursery teacher. We are still not convinced that he has AS as we think he is very gifted, but looking at his dad and his cousin who both show distinct signs of AS, he might just be. He is a delightful little boy, and we shy away from telling friends and family as so many don't understand it. We are fortunate to be in the position where we can put him through a private education, but we have found that many of the independent schools that we have approached are just not interested. We have been horrified and cannot believe it: how many of the Einstein's and Churchill's of this world were AS and therefore able to think outside of the box? Have any of you had a similar experience? And how have you found the state (particularly primary) schooling system have been able to work with those you know with AS? Thank you!
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