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About ScreamingMonk

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    Norfolk Broads

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  1. Wow, I did a quick search for the Australian scale and the modified adult version on the Aspires website (http://www.aspires-relationships.com/artic...cale_for_as.htm) was spot on I didn't score on all of the questions but I answered a definite 'yes' to 53 out of 80, which I guess isn't that high. Some of the other questions would be a yes if I didn't keep myself in constant check by adhering to the rules that I have set up for myself from what I have learned over the years... I was diagnosed with depression several years ago and had 9 months of group counselling which really helped me to come out of my shell. Before that I would have scored even higher on this scale. More than anything it has helped to explain some things about myself that I have never understood, which is something. For instance, I am currently working in a project management role and am failing horribly to keep on top of things because I simply cannot multitask. I kept feeling that it's just because I'm lazy and my bosses are basically of the opinion that if the other people in my role can manage ok, then I should be able to as well. My job makes me want to scream and I feel overwhelmed with things but everyone else seems to manage. I have been wanting to get a new job for ages but have never been able to figure out what to apply for because I don't really know what I want to do. I'm sort of hoping this will help me to have a better idea of where to concentrate my jobhunting, by realising that there are maybe some things that I am just not equipped to do - either because they take so much effort to achieve where other people have to problem or because I simply cannot do them. I guess it's a start. I will try and see how receptive my GP is to referring me for an assessment. Cheers.
  2. @ Smiley & Baranigirl: thanks for your replies - what do the GP AS assessment / screen tests entail? I'm sort of concerned about the fact that I am so used to emulating normal behaviour that I might just overact or try to overcompensate for it and not give a true reading... To everyone: Apologies for the gruff nature of my first post, it was rude - like I said, sometimes I just get tired of trying all the time. Yesterday was a bad day. So. My name is Ad, I'm 27 and I suspect that I may have Asperger's. It would be nice to get to know you guys, this seems like a really friendly discussion board. Cheers.
  3. I guess that on this board you get no end of people claiming that they might have Aspergers or ASD, some people probably want it to be true because it gives credence to the fact that they don't feel like they fit in... Kind of makes me think of this: http://www.picturesforsadchildren.com/comics/00000278.png - "You're not sick, you're just a person" by John Campbell. But, increasingly, I am finding that the evidence is mounting, evidence to suggest that I may have Asperger's. It has certainly been mooted by girlfriends in the past and when I was a toddler the idea that I might be autistic was raised due to my aberrant behaviour, although this was later put down to ADHD and was treated with a change in diet. Certainly, in recent years I have become increasingly aware that I simply do not see the world in the way that most other people do... I have tried to see things from their perspective but it just doesn't make any sense. And lately I have started to realise that everything I do is based on patterns - I function according to schemata that I have developed (consciously and unconsciously) for many years, allowing me to simulate empathy so convincingly that people are sometimes amazed that I have apparently read their minds. Really it is just like reading a code. It is difficult to explain (or perhaps I just can't be bothered because maybe this is normal and I am just a psychology graduate over-analysing things) but this emotional simulacrum is hard work to maintain and some days I just get tired of it. Outwardly I am an engaging person who seems to be an advanced communicator and can interact with others easily but inwardly I have little interest in these people and it is almost always an effort; someone with Asperger's once refered to them as 'meat puppets' and I know what he means. An ex of mine (following a particularly ill-advised and inappropriate comment on my part) once told me that I treat people like objects. I can't say that it isn't how it feels a lot of the time. Other exes have outright stated that my strange behaviour and lack of social boundaries have all simply been attention-seeking devices, feeding fuel to the fire of an ADHD diagnosis, which I accepted. But lately I have undergone a shift in that regard. So, where did this start? What made me want to peel back some layers? What brought me to this discussion board? My walk. My whole life I have had a very bouncy walk which has drawn attention and, frankly, been an annoyance. Recently, it was once again commented on at work, so I Googled it to see how I might go about correcting the problem. Turns out it's the Aspy bounce. But the walk alone doth not make the man. As I delved deeper and finally allowed myself to consider the possibility that I might have mild AS (something I had previously dismissed), I found myself understanding a lot about events in my life and also about my family... I won't go into detail now but there are a great number of aspects of my personality and experiences which fall neatly into the AS categorisation, I am just not going to try and justify my suspicions at this time. But the more that I think about it, the more I am convinced that, not only I but also my brother, mother and (maternal) grandfather may all have AS. In that light, so much about my family makes sense. Again, I can go into detail another time. So, I guess my reason for rambling on is to ask - in very loose terms - the following: am I just a regular person clutching at straws, trying to feel special?
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