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About Tingers

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    Norfolk Broads

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  1. Addicted to gluten? Interesting... I've never heard anyone speak of an addiction to gluten (apart from people joking that they always crave unhealthy food) I know people can have a sensitivity, perhaps or even an intolerance: can a food addiction be diagnosed or do you just recognise that with some foods, once you start, you can't stop? Sometimes I crave gluten and sugar too but I know both are very bad for me in large doses. Still, if I get into the habit of eating certain types of food (particularly ones that give me IBS symptoms) I tend to want to eat more of them. As for Aspergers, I'm still wondering what the benefits of being diagnosed would be. Firstly, I feel like some sort of fraudster claiming to have the condition when there's a chance I might not have. I don't want other people with AS to feel like I'm making light of their difficulties, or somehow jumping on the bandwagon in order to connect with people or make friends. On the other hand, if getting a diagnosis through the NHS is so difficult, I imagine I'd be putting myself through quite a lot of emotion and trauma having to explain everything to various practitioners. I like to think I've found coping strategies for many of my Aspergers traits and only occasionally do I struggle. Anyone have anything to say on WHY a diagnosis for someone my age (28) who functions reasonably well, might be worthwhile?
  2. Thank you. That IS useful to know. I only hope other people in different areas have had more success than did you - then maybe there is a hope for me too! My incredibly intelligent friend (who happenes to have Aspergers) told me that digestive problems in peopel with Aspergers are very common. I have not yet had chance to read up and find out more, but I wonder, have you looked into that? Perhaps people with Aspergers somatize feelings they do not understand: so an emotional problems can manifest itself physically?
  3. Hi Tally Thanks for your reply. It doesn't fill me with confidence though. The NHS' procedures are so flawed and long-winded. I find they can often cause more problems than they create. In fact, even thinking about the NHS is making me quite angry now! For example, I had various digestive problems for a few years and still have not been told why, despite having seen various practitioners, having several tests and subsequently been very paranoid and worried about my health for a long time. The NHS seem to view its patients as the problems and illnesses that patient may have, rather than taking a holistic view and trying to see the patient as a person, whose mind and body are parts of the same thing. Dear me. Only my second post and I'm ranting! As for going privately, how did things work? Did you go straight to a psychiatrist? Did you seek out an expert in Aspergers? And were there still 'hoops' to jumps through?
  4. Hi everyone As you may notice this is my first post on the forum; the reason I signed up is because I suspect I might have Aspergers and would like to talk to other people who might know more about it than I do. There are many things I have noticed through reading books, articles, watching videos, doing online tests and speaking to friends who have Aspergers. The more I learn, the more likely it seems to be. But, I don't want to be self-diagnosed. I'd really just like to know for certain either way. So, what are your experiences in diagnosis? Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might be able to broach the subject with my doctor? Is that in fact, what I ought to do? Would a doctor refer me straight to a psychiatrist or would I have to go through counselling and jump through a load of NHS hoops first (I don't want to!) I'm female and 28 years old. Also, I'm a little scared about what might happen if I do get a diagnosis. I'm worried it will change me somehow (for the worse). I'm not sure whether I'd tell people and am worried about how people might treat me differently if I had a label such as 'Aspie'. Does anyone have any experiences to share? Thanks in advance...
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