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About Blaise

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads

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    Animals, food and cooking, reading about theology and philosophy.
  1. Yes; exactly the right way to get diagnosed. (I should know - I'm one of the NAS' recommended practitioners - how ironic is that! )
  2. Hi everyone. As stated elsewhere, I am a psychotherapist (amongst other things!) who has been recently diagnosed, at the age of 52. What has especially surprised me is the emotional reaction I'm having to the diagnosis. I keep bursting into tears, and really feel quite undone. Has anyone else reacted in this way? Blaise (female, fwiw!)
  3. Hi everyone. This is my first post outside of the 'saying hello' bit. It's of great interest to me as I, too, am a psychotherapist and have recently been diagnosed with AS, at the ripe old age of 52. Due to some specialist training I've undergone, I often work with adults with AS, and it gradually occurred to me that the reason I 'got' them when the rest of the world seemed not to, was because they were just like me! Now that I'm getting used to the idea of being AS (which I have never seen as a disability; more another way of looking at the world) I am getting loads of 'flashbacks' to situations in my life that absolutely screamed "AS!" - just can't believe I didn't see it!
  4. Great - followed the link and now I understand! I keep having what I can only call 'flashbacks'; sudden memories of things that have happened through my life that so clearly shout "AS!" that I can't believe I didn't spot them before. It's certainly intriguing about the other psychs though...... Thanks for the welcome folks.
  5. Ok, so it's now clear that I hail from Hampshire, so what's with the 'Norfolk Broads' bit?
  6. Oh, and I have no idea why I appear to live in the Norfolk Broads, so I'm about to go off to edit my profile!
  7. I am female, aged fifty-two, and have always had an interest in AS, not least because I am a psychotherapist who sees quite a number of AS clients. I've always found AS people perfectly easy to understand, and have sometimes wondered why NTs struggle to 'get' them. I've always been someone with quite strong views on a variety of matters, and particular ways of doing things. I can also be a tad obsessive at times, but because I am reasonably outgoing and have two roles, both of which demand excellent social skills, I've just put down these little quirks to 'being me'. Then, a friend suggested that I take an online test for AS and, what do you know, I score very highly! I've since spoken to a professional and had an NHS test, along with a private one (I wasn't easily convinced!) but they agreed with the first. And in fact, the more I read, the more I recognise myself. So, hello!
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