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About Aster

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. I appreciate the gesture, but I'm in Hampshire.
  2. Thank you for your advice I think I just NEED someway to get some sort of social life outside of my work. I can very easily get very obsessive and spend whole days in my room just reading.
  3. Dear all, This is my first post on this forum, and its going to incorporate a lot of elements that should probably fit into other sections of this site. In any case, I'm a diagnosed Aspie with a real passion for ancient history - I've been accepted into a great university to do it, but my obsession with it overrode a careful, methodical and balanced working ethic and student life. I've always found I've had one or two people to talk to, but gradually, over time, I just shut myself in my room, stopped going to lectures, and began to drink. I have a history of clinical depression, and my doctor wanted me out of university for a bit. I haven't dropped out - I'm still going to return after a year out, and resume my studies. My dream is to become an ancient historian - a course that I've followed unwaveringly for years. The academic staff are rooting for me, and want me to come back, but considering the job situation in most parts of Europe at the moment, it's hard to find anything else to occupy my time. If I just sit up in my room and try to study without any outside intervention or anything to do, it's all going to go to hell again. I can't find any work - voluntary or otherwise - to do. I can't seem to get into my work, and all my books on ancient history just taunt me - I want to pick it up and start working so much but at the moment it's just so hard to do that without any outside contact. I posted the above on 'Wrong Planet', but I didn't get much help. I'm sorry if I'm appearing lazy by just using copying this on here, but I think it summarises my problem adequately, and I would really like some feedback. I'm in a really difficult situation here and I really need some advice. Regards, /Aster
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