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Everything posted by Jewlie1975

  1. Glad to here Paediatrician said gp didn't know what she was talking about. Read my text below about Dr Ken Aitken and melatonin. It would work just as well for a 9 year old as a 26 year old. It would work for a 2 year old! If i'd gone on it as a child, my life would have been much much easier and happier, and I would have slept properly and got REM. Melatonin simply introduced a Circadian cycle that is not present, because the Pineal gland is not working properly or at all, and releasing Melatonin. Hope that helps.
  2. I was started on Melatonin in 1999 at aged 26. It revolutionised my life! It is not available through the NHS. You have to buy it from Vets in the USA, try the internet. Just type Melatonin and buying. It is fairly costly Alternatively, try and contact a Dr Ken Aitken, who is an Independant Consultant Clinical Neuro Child Psychologist. He is a PhD, not a medical doctor. He also workes for the NHS. He is an Asperger expert and a genius. It was him who put me onto Melatonin. Since taking it, I go to sleep quickly and sleep soundly each night. Something I never did during my first 26 years. I have far more energy and focus now. I cope with life problems better and have become far more independant. hope that helps
  3. Hi Tally, Thanks for your well thought out and supportive message. Yes I do try and do as you suggested and explain the other person's perspective to him. He actually does try and act on this advise but I find that I need to constantly remind him as otherwise he falls back into the same way of relating to others. I dont mind doing this but sometimes I feel like he see's me as a nag! Also there will be situations- for example at work with employers and other employers where I will be unable to advise him and I'm scared what will happen there. He's been out of work for a very long time and I'm concerned about how he will cope in interviews and then the unpredictable day to day situations and people at work.In my experience it is a minority of people who are opened minded and accepting of people that are ''unconventional'. What do you think? Jules P.S- Last night we had dinner at his parent's house and he became intensely focused on talking about films (mainly to his Dad, as his mum is usually one talking to me), more so then when he is around me. I mentioned this to him and he said that usually if I hadn't been there his parents would have said that he was going on abit about it! He also said he may have been doing it as it was his comfort zone. Do you know what he means by that? He talks ALOT now, ( mainly revolving around film and abit of science) it can be very draining and as a child he said he rarely spoke at all and then had an awful stammer until about 6 years ago.
  4. Many thanks for taking the time to reply Kilimanjaro- I will look into it. Are you also in a relationship with a partner with Aspergers? Jules
  5. Hello all, I have joined this forum to share my experiences and hopefully get to hear the experiences of others who have aspergers or have someone near and dear to them with aspergers. I believe that by sharing our stories we can support each other and expand our knowledge I have a new partner who has Aspergers. I love to spend time with him, especially when it's just the two of us as we are very close on many levels. He is very supportive and caring towards me. The thing I struggle with is Society's reactions and judgments of someone who at times obviously differs from the norm. And as much as it shames me to admit it, at times I can feel very uncomfortable and this influences my feelings towards him. He tells me often that he has been discriminated against time and time again in the past and I can imagine there is truth in this. I do wonder though whether his straight talking, strong and questioning personality can put peoples back out and they then become defensive and arguementitive towards him, which he then see as discrimination due to his sensitivity. Has anyone had any similiar experiences? Bye for now, Julie
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