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Posts posted by av16

  1. I haven't been on this forum for a very long time but 9-10 years ago i was a very frequent visitor. I just wanted to give some hope to people that sometimes things do turn out better than you ever dared to hope.


    My son was diagnosed(finally) at the age of nearly 9 with AS, at primary and secondary school he was excluded frequently - at least once a year even in year 11, often for violence when he was younger. He spent most of his time in the learning support unit at secondary school and I spent hours talking to teachers to try and explain why he behaved the way he did. He did get 8 GCSEs which was a massive achievement for him.


    He moved to another school for sixth form (which has an Autism unit but he wasn't in it) and the change was amazing, over the last 2 years he hasn't been in trouble once, for AS levels he got good grades and today he has made it to get a place at uni. How he'll get on is another challenge but the success he's had has given him more confidence.


    I am so proud as after the first half term at secondary school we thought he would have to leave. I didn't give up when he was having difficulties and it's been hard work for the whole family.


    Today has been a day I never dreamed would actually happen so the message is never give up, keep pushing for your child, guide them and they will surprise you.

  2. Yes I really believe this. I've had a few children with ASD pass through my schools and seen such progression - it can happen. Thank you for your wishes - I am so proud of what he has achieved. He is going on to a new school to do A levels so lots of new challenges but I'm sure that the success he's had will encourage him. (I have to pinch myself to believe that I've written the last sentence!) :party:

  3. I haven't posted on here for quite a while but I wanted to share some good news as I remember when my DS was younger, reading about others successes gave me a bit of hope. :) My DS wasn't diagnosed with ASD until he was nearly 9 but it was very clear he was different from almost day 1. He had tremendous melt downs and at school would often not comply with instructions, he was given two short term exclusions before diagnosis :( but when we knew what made him different we set out to find out more (this forum was incredibly helpful). He was statemented by the start of year 5 and things calmed down gradually - at least in school and year 6 was a relatively good experience for him. He started secondary school full of hope for a new fresh start - this lasted until the first half term by which time he was a nervous wreck, hiding for hours at a time in the toilets, shouting at teachers, by Christmas he was in an internal exclusion unit full-time. He was excluded for fighting (the same pupil) twice during the following January, when he was 'allowed' back in the main school part time. I won't go on but as you can see he didn't have it easy, we were asked why we'd sent him there (by the DHT) but by then I was a teacher myself and I set about finding out as much as I could about ASD and education.


    I spent quite a large amount of time working with the school, challenging some of their actions, the comments of some teachers - not in a confrontational way but armed with background information of what has been shown to work and with information about my DS and what works well for him. At this time I also started to train to be a SENCO which gave me more confidence about how to work with the school. It was never easy as some of the teachers were not willing/able to change their teaching methods - he was excluded internally/externally at least once every year. :unsure:


    The reason for this post though is to celebrate his success - he has passed 8GCSEs, in one subject he got a grade B despite not being taught by the teacher in class for at least the last year! He made some good friends who have accepted him for who he is and also built some good relationships with adults-those teachers who have taken the time and effort to get to know him and understand how to get the best out of him.


    I am so proud of him :clap::clap: I honestly would not have believed that he would have been able to do this - even a couple of years ago. My message is to never give up - with getting the best support from school, reminding daily of what is expected of your child and encouraging them to keep going. Use this marvellous forum and the support you get from others to be confident in getting the right provision for your child and keep encouraging them to be the best that they can be.

  4. I'm a SENCo at a large primary school (plus mother of DS who has Aspergers and is nearly 16). We have 9 children at my school with ASD and they all have statements. We are well supported by the outreach service from the local ASD school and I call them in when any of the children has difficulties so it's worth checking to see whether there is a similar service in your area. What I would say in my experience is that until a child with ASD feels safe and comfortable in school then their behaviour will be difficult. It helps if the school work with the parents to work out exactly what is causing the behaviour and then try to address it. For example one child has behaved badly, attacking adults, throwing resources around etc and we worked out that he finds writing extremely difficult - the physical process plus phonics doesn't make sense to him so we tried to find other ways he could record his work and focused more on 'whole' words rather then breaking words up into sounds. After a couple of weeks with the pressure to 'perform' removed and very clear boundaries he really calmed down and became much happier. Also I insisted that when he did break the rules he was spoken to very calmly, the facts presented to him and he was asked what he could have done - definitely no raised voices or heightened emotions displayed.


    It would be worth talking to the Head and SENCo and asking them to try a different approach - finding out the triggers for the behaviour etc.

    Good luck!

  5. I found this very interesting! A few years back my DS who has AS was often in trouble for mimicking teachers, it got worse when he went to secondary school! :tearful:


    He didn't like any teacher with an accent :blink: and in an inner city school nearly every teacher had an accent - Australian/Scottish/New Zealand/African just to name a few. He was accused of racism which was really unfortunate and not true; the support of a specialist outreach teacher helped him to stop doing it in class and also made the teachers aware that it was not done with the intention of upsetting them.


    He is still a very good mimick and often uses different accents, he has learnt that people can be offended and doesn't do it in inappropriate situations now. :thumbs:


    Thanks for your thoughts!



    Can the EP diagnose? Will he say what he thinks is the problem?!

    I would hope they wouldn't 'diagnose' - not their role, but they should help to identify his needs and give practical ideas how teachers and other adults can help him with learning and behaviour. As Sally says they carry out assessments and get standardised scores so his results can be judged against other children of the same age. It should help to identify what he's good at and where he needs more help.


    Hope it goes well, their advice is usually really helpful and if their suggestions are put into place you should see some changes. :thumbs:

  7. My DS really loved Keane so we all (him, mum,dad + 2 big sisters) went to see them at the 02 Dome.(he was about 11 at the time) It was very loud but he coped as he liked the music (I think that's why)and we had seats. He sat with his sisters who chatted to him which also helped to keep him calm and fortunately he really enjoyed it. I think a seat is a must. We've been to a couple of things since, he's been ok, again seated.


    I think it's a good idea to try it out, as long as you don't mind too much if you have to leave early. If you go I really hope you both enjoy it and have fun! :thumbs:

  8. I remember my DS being completely amazed that people were crying on the last day of year 6 - he just didn't get it at all. Is this usual?


    He went to the disco ( no prom!)but wasn't particularly impressed. Hope it goes well if you can manage to get him there! :thumbs:

  9. Hi, as a senco I can let you know what happens in my area - you are stuck with the EP allocated to the school. The HT can ask for another EP but it doesn't seem like this would happen for you?


    The EP report is important but as they will be looking at her needs if she doesn't respond well it could act in her favour? She may be considered to require more support?

    Sorry I'm not much help am I? :unsure: Hopefully someone can be more help :thumbs:

  10. Hello, I can't offer you much practical help I'm afraid as I'm the parent of a 14 yr old with AS- Asperger Syndrome. The National Autistic Society provide lots of information so you might find it helpful to look at their website. They have local bases so you may find one near to you and someone to help you make sense of all of this. Your local health service may provide some advice too - your GP may be able to help - I'm not sure about this so someone else on here may add some more useful advice.

    Just remember you're not alone, there's loads of people who use/have used this board and have found it to be really useful in a similar situation to yours. also my son still won't accept his diagnosis (6 yrs on) - it can be a massive thing to deal with and everyone deals with it differently. >:D<<'>


    You're very good at expressing how you feel in writing - this may be a way of letting people know how you really feel? :thumbs: Good luck!

  11. At the school where I work we have a young girl with ASD who really struggles at break/lunch times so we started a Circle of Friends for her which has worked well also the TA who works with her has an early lunch and then runs different activities for her each day- things that she likes to do with a selection of other children, not the same ones each day. This is a reasonable adjustment and they should be able to do something similar for your son. We have some boys in yr 6 with statements for behaviour, they also do activities at lunchtime with a male TA such as football, basketball, cricket & street dance!These are the things they are interested in and other children are keen to join in with them. The TA is from an agency, I've found that they often seem to work in a more flexible way than-in-house' TAs.

    Think of some things your son would like to do and suggest something similar, see what they say... It can be done and it helps everyone so good luck :thumbs:

  12. Like you I'm a teacher and did a teaching practice at the primary my DS attended. His behaviour got worse at school in the juniors and by yr 4 he was given a couple of fixed term exclusions. As you can imagine it was embarrassing all round :o I made sure that I always tried to see the school's point of view - easier for us maybe than those not working in a school and I always suggested things in a positive way by saying that a different approach might make things easier for the school as well as him. I also didn't get too involved in the day to day minor events and at home was always supportive of the school in front of him. We go the statement by yr 5 and things went really well :clap: . Secondary school was a different matter, I tried the same approach and for the first six months at least things were terrible. I ended up doing a training session with the ASD outreach teacher to all his teachers, this helped but I think that building up a relationship with the HOY, Deputy etc was crucial. They did start to listen and make reasonable adjustments, I did write to the Chair of Govs over a couple of issues but I was always made sure I praised and named individual members of staff and again suggested ways to improve things.

    I hope you carry on working with the teachers - you seem to be doing well.Just remember there are always some who won't listen or change, I just move on :D

  13. We go to an Anglo-Catholic church and DS was confirmed when he was 10. He did weekly lessons with friends from school- he went to a church primary school. He was fine as church provided him with a structure. There was a weekly school mass and he usually served at the altar when he got to yr 5, before that he was an altar boy on Sundays - started when he was in yr 3. During this time he was in so much trouble at school- excluded several times yet he was so good in his role in church (he walked behind the Archbishop of Canterbury with a candle in a procession when he was 9). It was so nice for him to visibly succeed in something, the priest also made a point of praising him and as Chair of Govs he knew what was happening at school.


    Occasionally he questions things but we allow him to have his own views. He does seem to find the church a soothing place to be, many Sunday mornings we get to church with him stressed but once he gets into the routine he calms down.


    Hope you all enjoy the day :thumbs:

  14. There is also alot of research into "movement" difficulties in infants.

    Alot of children on the spectrum do not crawl, or climb, etc. This can all tie in with dyspraxic and sensory issues (balance and co-ordination).

    I remember comparing my daughter (who was into everything and pulling herself out of the cot before she could walk!) - compared with my son who I could put on the carpet and come back 2 hours later and find him still sat their with his puzzles etc.

    I never needed a stair gate because he could not climb the stairs and did not crawl.

    That's interesting- my DS didn't crawl at all but was a terrible climber, climbed out of his cot before he could walk, climbed over stair gates before he was 18 months, broke all our book shelves by climbing up them :tearful: He has turned out to be very sporty - unusual for ASD? Partly as he is so stubborn and will keep trying until he gets it right( he's also quite fearless). I think looking back the fact that he didn't crawl could have been as indication of AS?

  15. Meopham school and Longfield Academy both had ASD units, not sure if they still do. Both in West Kent nr Dartford. I looked at Royal Alexandra & Albert, thought it looked good but in what would have been my son's year group a boy with ASD was asked to leave - made the papers, so look closely!





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