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About teresam

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. We are just going through the core meetings just now and trying to put up with intefering social workers. We have put in a complaint against two social workers already and are now trying to get a diagnosis for my brother now 11 as his behaviour is getting worse as he is getting bigger and stronger. We will be meeting again in December to hopefully get off this stupid list and get our lives back to normal. But the people at the original meeting will all have input so whether or not that will happen remains to be seen.
  2. Thanks Kilimanjaro Stupid meeting is today and he is refusing to go to school. We tried for help at weekends with him but out of hours social work are no good. Even told us once they were to busy to come out and help as or it's the there is noone working who knows him so just call the police if he is causing you that much trouble
  3. Hi I am new to the board and when I read this I had to reply. My half brother got meningitis when he was three and went deaf shortly after, he got a cochlear implant in his right ear. After this happened he started having tantrums and as he got older they got worse. He likes to shut the world off when he gets likes this. My mum had social work involvement until recently and then we got told he was going to be having a child protection meeting. And even though mum has fought for a diagnosis for him as this is not normal behaviour for a now 11 year old boy but social work haven't been any help infact he has calmed down since they have backed off. We have been looking into ASD as the doctors don't seem to be very helpful. He can't have an MRI as he has the implant so the best we can get is a CT scan. But he is now on this Child Protection list and we feel like the bad people for trying to help him . We are complaining against the social worker who started all this. My mum and brother now have their own advocates and we have our first meeting this coming week with the professionals. So I can totally understand where you are coming from but the fact you got dismissed is awful! Edited to say : We are on for the same reason "emotional"
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