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Posts posted by Lilypad

  1. Since I first posted this topic, my son has been diagnosed with Autism. They say it is high functioning or Asperger's syndrome. I feel relieved to know exactly why he is the way he is but it still doesn't stop me feeling fed up sometimes.

    I can have days where I am ready to take on anything that is thrown at me even if it is when my son is having a really bad day...like today for instance!


    There is a shop at the bottom of our road and I wanted to just go to buy a drink and some chocolate but it took us almost half an hour to get there because he sat on the stairs for about 5 mins, refusing to move. Then he stood outside our house for about 10 minutes because he said his brother had told him to wait and wouldn't move until he came back (from my mum's house where he is staying tonight). I eventually managed to get him to cross the road but then he started to pick up stones and throw them, he thought this was hilarious even when I told him it was 'naughty'.


    I always feel like I'm going to cry when he is difficult like this, but rather than cry I often end up laughing because I would probably not be able to stop crying if I started! My son hates anyone laughing and when he saw me laughing, he ended up walking back to our house so I had to run after him and pull him back!


    This is WHY I dislike going anywhere with him these days because it does take a long time to get anywhere and I don't drive.

    Does anyone else have the same problems with their child?

  2. Hi Kerry


    My son was diagnosed with ASD this week. I asked them what type of ASD it is and they told me that they don't categorise it anymore (not in my area anyway).

    They said that as he is high functioning he may have once been labelled as having Asperger's syndrome but that is exactly the same as High functioning Autism.


    I think the reason why they are reluctant to use the term Asperger's is because there are alot of prejudices against the term and that if you say that you are autistic, people are generally more understanding.


    I personally have always believed Asperger's syndrome to be autism as it is medically on the Autistic spectrum...

  3. Thanks for all the messages. It is such a relief to know I am not the only one feeling like this and this forum is a godsend!


    Because my flat is rented, I know my landlord could evict me if any neighbours complain. That is what I am worried about the most. I am praying for the next tenant to be deaf!

  4. I have suffered in the past with anxiety and depression anyway so I probably do have it mildly. You sound the same as me JeanneA. I have one friend who I see at the weekend but I am starting to feel like that is too much. I prefer my own company and even though my sons can be hard work especially when they are fighting, the thing I like best is when we are all home together. It feels safe and I know they are ok. I am very protective of them, especially my youngest.


    I worked before christmas, but I couldn't cope with it and I feel safer at home. I would work from home if I could but it's so hard to find anything like that. I will have to go on the dole soon too and look for work at the same time which I am dreading. Does anyone know if there is a way around it? They gave me a DLA form last time which I have only just filled in and I think I need to send a doctors report with it...

  5. I understand what you mean. I sometimes find it hard to read messages when people make spelling mistakes etc. But, I suppose they can't help it if they have a reading disability.


    The one thing that I am trying to get used to is the use of abbreviations here. I get so confused when users refer to their "DS" or "DD" and I am even more confused when somebody will post something about their "DS playing on his DS" But that is just me and i'm not going to complain about it. However, I do not wish to use the abbreviations as I really dislike abbreviating anyway.

  6. It's like my mind is only focused on one thing, and that is getting answers for my son's problems. I am constantly searching the internet looking for answers but obviously the only people who can do that are the assessors. My life is seriously only revolving around autism. I don't want to read anything that isn't about autism, I don't want to see my friends because they talk about other things and I'm honestly not interested. I don't go anywhere, the only time I leave the house is to take/pick up the kids to/from school or for any appointments. I find it hard to keep the flat clean and tidy. I think this thing is taking over my life and i'm becoming depressed. I feel paranoid that people are looking at me when i'm out! Is this agorophobia?? Is this even normal?!


    Also, my neighbour who lives in the flat below me is moving out because of the noise my son makes. He jumps up and down a lot. He also screams or throws things around if he is upset. I am dreading the next tenant moving in, because they might not be as understanding as the last one and I am worried about being evicted. How do I explain my son has problems? He hasn't even been diagnosed so I can't say "he is autistic" because he may not be.

  7. Hello

    I recieved a letter this morning from the organisation that assesses children for ASDs in my area. They have given me an appointment for my son to attend in around 2/3 weeks. The letter says the assessment will consist of a speech and language therapist and a paediatrician.

    I am just really nervous about the whole thing and I need to know a few things such as: What will be involved?

    How long will it take?

    Will I be able to sit with him during the assessment?

    Will a diagnosis (if there is one) be made on the day?


    I am also worried that they might not think he has an ASD and if he doesn't, then what will happen? I know he has a lot of problems, but that could be anything( a family therapist mentioned to me once that he could have minor brain damage due to lack of oxygen when he was a baby). If that is the case, would they give me advice on this?


    Please could anyone offer some advice? Although I have been waiting a year for this,I am so anxious that I am shaking right now as I type this.

  8. Hi Harry. thank you very much for sharing your experience with me. I have always wondered if Tourettes syndrome can be comorbid to AS as I haven't heard of many cases.

    Fortunately, my son's school is alot more understanding than some of the schools that people have mentioned on this forum. This morning has been a classic example.

    My son was supposed to have an appointment at half 9 with CAMHS and they phoned me at 9:15 to cancel. This very obviously disturbed my son and he refused to walk back to school (we were halfway between his school and CAMHS - it's only a 5 min walk between the two places).

    When we got to school, he was very upset because of this disruption (I have been telling him about the appointment for the past few days to prepare him) I had to ask for his class teacher to come and get him but first he ran out of the school, then he was clinging on to me and he was crying his eyes out. The headteacher also came out of her office and they were both really supportive and told him they'd go and read a book (to calm him down). I had to walk out of there and let them deal with him which I hate doing but I understand it's their job...

    I just recieved a call a few minutes ago from the SENCO to let me know my son has settled down now. He also told me he has made a phonecall to CAMHS to complain about them cancelling the appointment at the last minute.

    This is the second appointment they have cancelled in a row, the last time we saw them was in November and if they keep on doing this, i'm going to have a very upset child but still no closer to finding out what's wrong with him.

    I know what happened this morning will probably affect him for the rest of the day, and his tics and behaviour will probably be worse tonight (it's a pattern i've picked up on).

  9. I can't help - but if you get any joy from anyone pleasew let us know. My DS is exactly the same, and I have now ben fobed off by his `paed, CAMHS and my GP. He's working with a neuro OT atm, so maybe she will come up with some strategies we haven't tried yet..... but can not him assessed/dx'd by anyone as those that can do the dx just say it is not their`area and fob me off onto someone else :wallbash:


    That must be so frustrating for you :( I really hope you get some answers soon.

  10. Hi. I'm not sure how to quote on this but when you mentioned the diagnosis in America and having to have an above average IQ, I think they tend to base alot on a person's IQ over there which in my opinion is wrong. A child psychologist once told me that professionals prefer not to test a child's IQ for many reasons - I believe one reason is that it can be unfair and damaging to their personality. Another reason is because it is not necessary.

    Also, may you be thinking of the AQ (Autism spectrum quotient) test?

  11. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows anything about getting a diagnosis for Tourettes syndrome... My son is 8, still waiting for a diagnosis for ASD and has been having tics for about 18 months. They started as blinking, throat clearing and sniffing but they seem to be getting worse and he seems to change them every few months. At the moment he is making a 'clicking' noise with his tongue, humming or grunting and has recently started to make a movement with his upper body as if he's twisting and shrugging his shoulders at the same time. They seem to be worse at hometimes after school.

    We have an appointment with CAMHS next week and I was wondering if they would be able to diagnose him or would I have to take him to the doctor? His next appointment with the paediatrician is not until May and I feel I can't wait that long to ask him because it's starting to make me anxious wondering what it is and scanning the internet for advice. Everything I look at points to Tourettes Syndrome and I was thinking this may explain his ASD type behaviour (sensory problems, literal thinking, tantrums etc)

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  12. Not so very long ago AS in adults was never discussed and presumably never considered. Now that it is it's logical to assume that more and more adults realise that this has been their problem all their lives and will seek diagnosis and confirmation - one way or another.


    A big problem I can see is that AS varies so much from person to person NTs are becoming a little cynical about claims that that certain individuals have AS, partly because it's said to be so rare and also partly because many adults have taught themselves over the years to 'cover up' and 'fake' so effectively that not even those close to them would believe that they are different from the NT majority.


    It seems to me that we really need diagnosis by brain-scan - if it can be made as efficient and revealing as in the case of other brain abnormalities. In this way there will be none of the doubts and uncertainties that arise from the present method of diagnosis. Also, I suggest those of us with AS will find that we are not as small a minority as is presently thought.


    Hi. I totally agree with you about the brain scan. My son is currently in the process of being diagnosed but it is such a long process and i'm not really getting anywhere at the moment because of it. It would save so much time just by having a brain scan...also, they might pick up other neurological disorders this way, such as brain damage (which has been suggested to me that my son might have...caused by lack of oxygen as a baby).


    Since I have been researching the signs of AS, I feel that more than likely, I have it too. What you said about adults teaching themselves to cover up their traits makes a lot of sense to me. I often catch myself rocking,blinking and flicking my fingers but I think I hide it well when I am around people. The only thing anyone has ever noticed is that I don't make eye contact and I blink alot.


    Just to finish. I am quite sure that alot of people are misdiagnosed either with or without AS and in my opinion, a brain scan would verify (on top of an assessment) whether or not the person would have the disorder.

  13. Thank you for all the replies.


    baddad when I say my 10 year old winds him up, I suppose what I mean is that he knows that when his brother is having one of these tantrums, he doesn't like anyone speaking to him at all and he gets really angry if 10 yr old starts to speak to him (however nice/unpleasant he might be) so I think he does it intentionally to get him going.

    I also have to say that I have never seen any other child behave like this while I have been out shopping and I always end up feeling as though I am the worst parent in the world.


    As for online shopping, I always do my weekly shopping online as it is very stressful for me to take them both shopping with me. I work when they are at school, I don't drive and I am a single parent so I am unable to leave them at home if I go out anywhere. Often though, I need to go to the shops for a few things which is what I had to do yesterday. He has never been this bad before but I can see his behaviour is getting alot worse lately.

    I am not only talking about the tantrums but other things now too such as, he will shout at people if they even glance at him (he hates being looked at, he seems to lose it when there are any loud noises around and the less stressful things like spinning and licking things are getting more severe.


    I would just like to know how other people manage and get tips from people like me because at the moment, although I have appointments with CAMHS and a paediatrician, I haven't really been given any advice from them yet as they are still only asking questions about him.

  14. I just need some advice as to how to control my son's temper. I had an awful time with him today when we went to the supermarket to get a couple of things. As it is Saturday, it was very busy and my 7 year old son had a huge tantrum over a little thing where he kept screaming very loudly. Everytime he did it, people were turning round and staring. My other son who is 10 was stirring things up by saying things to annoy him and this was making the whole situation much worse. I was doing all I could to control him and to stop myself from crying. It was a complete nightmare and when I got home I just burst into tears.


    I just really need to know what to do in this type of situation. My son still hasn't been diagnosed but we saw a paediatrician yesterday who said he definitely shows signs of ASD.


    For those who have children with a diagnosis of ASD, do you have strategies for coping/dealing with this type of situation? Or do you have someone you can call to talk you through it? I am at such a loss as to how to cope when he is behaving like this. It is my worst nightmare to have people staring at him like he is a monster and at me like I am a bad mother.


    Please please give me any advice at all...it will be very much appreciated.

  15. Hi I can relate to alot of what you've said but i'm not sure if it is normal or not. Only because I haven't been diagnosed either...I am too focused on my son's problems at the moment to worry about myself. (He is waiting for an ASD assessment)

    I found this website and a page that explains what signs you might have and how to go about getting a diagnosis.

    Hope it helps.


    sorry not sure how to link.

  16. I am in the process of applying (as in filling out the form) As it is such a long form, I am filling in a couple of pages a day. I also posted a query about claiming DLA on this forum as it had been recommended that I do so by my advisor at the Jobcentre Plus. I have been given alot of helpful advice from users on this forum about claiming DLA. Thanks, I will see how the claim goes and then maybe look into private assessment.

    It is probably worth me asking the school about them keeping some kind of link book like you mentioned too...that might also help with my DLA claim.

  17. My 7 year old son is still waiting for a diagnosis but I can relate to some of the things here!


    I have two sons and yesterday, they were arguing about something and my 10 yr old told my 7 year old to 'get lost' so he started going downstairs and was ready to walk out of the door. I asked where he thought he was going, and he said "I'm going to get lost because (my brother) told me to!" I then had to spend a while explaining what he'd actually meant! Not to mention a firm talking to with 10 year old.

  18. Hi Suze, my son's school are doing all they can to help him but I think there is only so much they can do...after all, he is not the only child at the school with problems. I last spoke to the SENCO around March or April and I filled in the ASD assessment forms with the Ed psych in early February but I've been told we'll have to wait about another year before we get an appointment. I don't know anything about the process of diagnosis (how many appointments he will have to have etc). I do feel sometimes that I should speak to the SENCO but I don't want to feel like i'm complaining to him!

    My son has been his usual self today, not as bad as yesterday but there was a lot of shouting and screaming on our way back from school :rolleyes:


    To Chloe's mum, yes I have thought about going private for my son but I can imagine it would cost alot and I just don't have money to be honest. All I can do is wait...

    Is the 'home-school link book' you mention similar to being statemented? My mum is a teacher and said that some children at her school were statemented. Would I have to ask the school to do this?


    Thanks for all the advice everyone!

  19. Thanks for the replies.

    It's really complicated with my son. Changing routine doesn't usually bother him - like I said, we only sometimes go to the shop on the way home. But I think if he has a tough time at school during the day, it can change his moods. It's very hard to know what happens at school though because he really doesn't tell me alot and his conversations are very limited. I don't want to be one of those annoying parents who go to see the headteacher every day either!

    A family therapist and psychologist from a CAMHS - type organisation recommended using visual aids for my son as he finds it hard to understand verbal instructions etc. But, I don't really know what they mean by this. They haven't really explained alot to me and I feel that because he doesn't have any diagnosed problems, I am unable to get help or support with things like visual aids.


    As for not worrying about what other people think, it's funny because I feel like I should explain to people that it's not his fault that he behaves like that and I even told the shop assistant that "he has problems" :unsure:


    Thank you anyway, I will have a look at that link you posted :)

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