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Everything posted by crazyaboutmoo

  1. Thankyou, difficult isn't it, Im not sure if I should correct her when she says things that are wrong as I'd be correcting her all the time and don't want to grind her into the ground...
  2. Thankyou everyone for the replies! My daughter's melotonin has now been prescribed by a very nice GP, he has also listened to my concerns I had with it and suggested another form of melotonin which is slow release, my little girl is delighted as it's a smaller tablet. As for the diagnosis it definatly took alot longer than 20minutes, she had to visit the consultant (who also happens to be the autistic expert for working age adults for the nhs locally but is also trained by NAS for all age groups) four times which lasted approx 1 1/2 hours per session. He also consulted me and my husband on one session without her for the DISCO. The peditrition who was involved was my daughter who felt that she was autistic but that we may have to wait a few years before she would meet the criteria properly.... as for the current school, her teacher has recently told her that she doesn't need to see doctors or have tablets anyway very helpful THANKYOU. So I've had to phone the school and explain I don't appreciate comments like that being said to her, and that is the teacher qualified to make this opinion?? I think a consultant, a peditrition, a GP and the fact her mum (yes me is a nurse) should be qualified to make this decision To be fair Im so very fed up and tired of fighting and I'm totally losing the will to fight any longer, problem is every time my daughter tells me she is struggling I feel powerless!
  3. Hello just wondering can anyone help me any tips etc on how to effectivly live with a 7year old female child with aspergers? Any help or tips appreciated
  4. I know that's what I think too, problem is she's still up now and is usually out cold by 7pm, she's sobbing and begging me for a tablet to help her sleep what exactly am I suppose to do about this??? Seems like a total mess and I don't even know were to attempt to start, as for applying for DLA I did in october and they wrote back to me saying they would get back to me in 8 weeks...but then she didnt have a diagnosis so it'll probably get rejected and I'll have to try again....
  5. Hello thankyou so much for your reponse, to be honest we have had the day from hell! We've been to see the peditrition today and she has discharged my daughter from her as she says any future help we need now much be through the private consultant as he has diagnosed her so her is responsable for her?? She discharged her without any melotonin so we are about to go on a crash course from hell as she really doesn't cope well without it. I thought things couldn't get any worse, actually I couldnt have been more wrong
  6. Hello Im new to the site, Just recently recieved a private diagnosis for my 7year old daughter of "mild aspergers", in a fog and got a massive battle on my hands to get the "public sector" to accept the diagnosis. Applied for DLA start of october not heard anything off them yet and in my 2nd school and 7th childcare provider
  7. Hello, I have just recieved a diagnosis for my daughter of aspergers, apparently mild asperger? I've had to pay for this private as I have struggled with the nhs to believe that Im not crackers or over sensitive. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to confront my daughters pediatrition with the report and I'm really not looking forward to it, Im tired and fed up. My daughter has a wonderful personality but sometimes everything she does grounds me down and I cant handle it. I feel so alone with it all, I attend a support group but there are no other mums or dads of a female aspie so her "issues" don't seem to match up with the other kids so to speak and I know I should be grateful that she's not as troubled as some kids on the spectrum but Im just finding it really difficult to locate that grateful side of myself right now
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