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Everything posted by workingmum

  1. Can any suggest any independent secondary school with SEN more specifically ASD provision in SE London/Kent please.
  2. Hello all, we have an appointment next week with peaditrician to discuss meds for DC. This is making me very nervous - the thought of medicating a child - having readd all the pros and cons from lots of websites and parents experiences. It has taken us 6 years to agreed a trial period - but unfortunately the trial period will be during the school hols - could not get an appt soon enough - NHS palaver. This med is only really needed at school - we are managing very well at home - sometimes challenging but okay. Has anyone had any experiences with Focus Formula and BrightSparks - no side effects - seen sold on some reputable UK website - not sure i should mention the names here. Please anyone with any experiences - much appreciated - they are not cheap either about £17 per bottle - to last only a month or so. So before i embark on this natural remedy - might be worth asking for help.
  3. Hello Sally44. Thanks for the response. he is doing averagely ok - concentration is poor ,he makes silly noises and fidgeting in class. what has surprised us - he had a 2 day trial at this independent school - not special one - report back is that he coped really well - concentrated well, very little fidgeting and no humming noises in class - maybe early days. wonder if this means anything? the school we refer is mainstream with an ASD unit attached - so he is in mainstream with the support at the school - no need to get experts in, lea says no, the school says overstretched. so we say, the independent then - that can meet his needs even though it is not a special school. we are sending the lea a letter next week - saying that their reasons are unreasonable with the la and that we are appealing - letter from the solicitors.
  4. Hello everyone - I am a newbie - I have been reading a lot on this forum. Very useful information. I do have a question to ask. My child has a statement (final) in year 5 ( June 2010) - school named at the time is his presnt primary school. His needs include generally - modified curriculum, access to social skills group, access to differentiated work, access to classroom assistant - 9 hours 1-1 each week, quiet room for some tasks, anxiety interventions, handwriting program - might include use of a laptop etc LEA requested about 2 months ago of our chioce of secondary school. We indicated we wanted a mainstream school with ASD unit attached 3 miles from home. Now, the school has said they cannot take him - as resources will be stretched and that he will be detrimental to the other children - not sure what that means. However, the LEA has named the nearest school and we are certain my child needs cannot be met there. We are soughting legal advise on this. However, on speaking again to the SENCO etc and looking closely at the ED Psych report - we are certain that our child will cope better in a smaller school - not a special school but an independent one - that has SEN facilities- over 4 miles away. he has had 2 days trial at this school. Now, my question - how does this really work - as the LEA has refused a mainstream school that is more than adequate for our child, can we change our choice - as the nearest alternative is an fee paying school with SEN facilities and much smaller class. The fee paying school is very samll - total of 230 pupils - from nursery to secondary. Also how are the provisions/cost compared - mainstream schoool with all the SEN provisions and the fee paying ( £3500 per term). How can we get the LEA to pay for this - we are willing to take him there and back.
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