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About melodeonist

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. My 17yo son was diagnosed with AS at about age 9. He made good progress through primary / secondary school and achieved BTEC ICT and GCSE materials. Last summer (about May) he started to become aggressive obnoxious and difficult, to the extent that he could not be left alone in case he injured himself or someone else. The aggression and "nastiness" has now abated, but if anything this new pahse is even worse. He is now attending ESPA college, and based on his school reports etc was expected to fit in well. I've received his first report and I was stunned as it is if anything worse than many he received in primary school! John at 16 was "typical" of many Aspergers teenagers - playing on the computer for hours on end, watching action films (one day he watched the whole LOTR saga!) Now at 17 he is unable to concentrate on films, and his attention span seems to be almost zero. He can only provide yes/no answers as he forgets he has been asked a question if it needs a more extensive answer. He by choice will sit partly dressed on his bed clicking a deodorant lid for hours, and will retreat to this at times through the day. He watches TV programs like VIVA where the short videos dont challenge his attention. Often he will look at a reflecion in mirror window or TV screen making faces muttering and giggling at himself. He can no longer do household chores as his obsessive behaviours interfere with them - eg he cant hoover because he keeps clicking the switch on and off. Does anyone have similar experience or able to give me any advice? ( He is in the "care" of a team at our local hospital, but they have been totally useless and a big waste of time because they blame every problem John has on my divorce with my ex nearly five years ago; and also as he is 17 he no longer counts as child or adult - so he doesn't exist!)
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