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rachel scothern

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About rachel scothern

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill

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  1. Just starting the statementing very early days http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/y6pqp/
  2. He lives with his dad now he find Dylan difficult Tom my older son doesn't like loud ..and Dylan is very loud. he was 9 when he got diagnosed. he gets by ok now he is older.. he goes to college doing art he has buddies that help him at college they help him to and from classes then he get some support from a learning mentor. he is very funny you can watch him and his brother on youtube. they do comedy he plays a hunch back called farquard. you can see him on youtube faquards day out or Tom and josh meet the shadow.
  3. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CB4QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.itv.com%2Fcentral-east%2Fleft-speechless66284%2F&ei=EIxATYXlKZG4hAe9xPCRCA&usg=AFQjCNFKRZdo6xZWmzkh22xm16rziEl4kw
  4. Yes he's been on Melatonin 10mg for over a year some times it helps depends if i can get him to lay down...gets him to sleep but doesn't keep him asleep he wakes up during the night... I have a older son with Aspergers he's nearly 20 He doesn't sleep that great either.
  5. I'm a teaching assistant I work with children with social and emotional difficulties including ASD I must be mad...
  6. Well it must be hard not to be able to say how you feel, or tell you what you want. so thats why he gets so cross. He doesn't sleep very well so that doesn't help..... he's always on the go
  7. Thank you for putting the linc on I wouldn't have a clue how to do that
  8. Yes funding cuts is the reason been on the radio,on bbc east midlands today news, central new and the Nottingham evening post. written to David Camron that was a waste of time. My local MP Vernon Coaker has taken it to questions in parliment...... so sad Google Dylan Scothern to see.. Yes I have used PECS before. He's not to keen he likes to help himself to stuff....got some behaviour issues
  9. Hi my name is Rachel I have a little Boy Dylan Scothern Feel free to google him....he is 6 years old and has ASD.. He has been on the local news because the primary Care trust have cut his speach and language therapy they say because he is over 5. Dylan can only say a few words. Seems like a write of to me.... I think it should go on need not on age ....has anyone going through this.................
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