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Kians Dad

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About Kians Dad

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Thanks for your replies, i am sure there are many out there misdiagnosed and misunderstood and it's great to hear some friendly advice and encouragement? So far I have found this forum is really useful for sharing experiences and giving support. I did not want to write too much of an intro before but just to add some depth now, I have another son aged 5 recently started school last year after being in nursery, as soon as he started school we had complaints about his behavior(strange as nursery never mentioned just kept cashing the cheques!!!!!) and now we are going through an assessment to see if he also is on the spectrum......as we do not know what is usual behavior with children we always thought our children where fine, we only had Kian (Aspie) as a bench mark, Regan my other son has most of the same is-sums we just thought it was copy cat behavior. They are both great boys with real good sense of humor and we all have a laugh at some of the things they do and the literal comments that they say...we should write them down. My wife has given up her career to look after the boys as I am away working a lot, I am in the military and work is real busy as you can imagine, therefore my wife has the boys 24/7 apart from school, where she is called up on a daily basis as they the schools do not cope well, that said we are getting a lot of external help from agencies for both boys. Unfortunately not family help but that's a rant for another day.. It is frustrating as I want to do so much for the boys and give my wife some time off carers duty, but it's difficult to get the balance of work, money and comfortable home life. In the mean time though we try to do our best for the boys so they grow up confident,well mannered and balanced young men ready for the big wide world........as long as they can step on all the chewing gum marks on the pavement minding the cracks??????(Don't ask it's Regan's latest thing?)
  2. Hi everyone, My name is Phil I am new to this forum and hope to be able to share some experiences and information regarding our situation, my son Kian now 10yrs old was diagnosed from age 7 with Aspergers. After years of feeling like bad parents it was a relief as we now understand some of the problems we encountered and hope to rectify some of the mistakes we made. I look forward to speaking frankly,sharing and getting advice in the hope we can all make our childrens lives better and happier and so they can understand and grow with the knowledge they are not alone.
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