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About RobH

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. RobH

    Smart phones

    Using the iPhone app or just safari?
  2. RobH


    Thank you both so much. Your answers were very helpful. Reading through the forum posts had made me feel quite positive about our situation but also sad for all the people who are actually having issues, or at least worse issues than we're "apparently" having. I think it's probably best to get the clinical assessment done and then see what that shows up. It may all come to nothing. The report from the Ed Psy person should be here in next week or so, and it's parent's evening in a week or two so that should all make things clearer. Or murkier. Thanks again, it's good to know there's people out here with good, helpful advice. R
  3. RobH


    Hi My son's (age 6) school has an educational psychologist come in every month or so to look at the classes and view the children at work/play. He watched my son for a while then spent some 1-2-1 time with him and has written a report saying that he may be "grazing the Asperger's graph" and suggesting that my ex-wife and I get a clinical assessment. To put this into context, we split residential 50/50 so he's with me half the week. My son is very bright (with things he's interested in), gets bored and becomes a distraction in class if he isn't challenged, his behavior can be an issue for his mother if she doesn't set clear guidelines and enforce consequences... and of course sometimes with me too but he doesn't seem to be any worse than any of our friend's children of similar ages. It was especially a problem if he didn't go to bed on time the night before, something the school and I have worked on together with his mother to ensure when he's at her house he gets his sleep... I suppose what I'm saying is I don't understand what's happening and what happens next. He seems fine to me (I always thought he was bright coupled with being a bit lazy, a boy thing if you like, he'd rather do stuff he enjoyed than dull things...). I got my father to dig out my old school reports and they say exactly the same about me.... I've read quite a lot about Asperger's over the last few weeks and although I recognise some of the traits it seems that they could all be applied to most people I know. He doesn't have tantrums or meltdowns, he's very social, has some good friends, plays well, shares toys/stories etc, he's popular (but isn't friends with everyone who thinks he's nice)... the list goes on. I really want the best for him but, and no disrespect to anyone reading this, I don't want him "labelled" with something he isn't. Does this make sense or have I just rambled on? Has anyone else been through this? If he is on the graph, how do I help him, what can I do differently with him? what can his mum and I do together to help him? thanks for listening Rob
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