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Posts posted by Rach14

  1. :wallbash: the special needs services are so messed up in this country! it makes me soooo mad!


    i dont know you at all! but there you saying you dont need the help and here's me a mum who has been crying out for support for years to care for my special needs family and i never did get it, as a result i got severe depression and an eating disorder! not to mention the 24 months it took to fight for the statement for my youngest son! Jesus it sucks!!!!! :wacko:

  2. Hi again Rachel -

    I wouldn't beat yourself up too much; we all get it wrong sometimes and in terms of mistakes a teenager with poor sleeping routines is a tiny one compared to some that others are making! I do think, though, that if you think you've responded wrongly in the past then nows the time to start putting that right, even if it is a bigger job now.

    As for God giving you an autistic child - I'd chuck that idea out completely! It's a game of cards - and he/she/it/whatever doesn't shuffle the deck for good or bad.


    Best with it, and that 11:00 curfew.







    lol! yep! 11:00 curfew is in place 2nite! i have to say that L is looking a little worried right now! Im concerned about my youngest son S but i have a nice bed made up downstairs in the den if L disturbs him with the screams which im sure he will! i have to say im a little worried about how tonite will play out, Its not easy dealing with an aggressive teen when your husband has sensory issues with sound/noise! :unsure::blink::wacko::crying: anyone here wanna come round? lol!!

  3. thanku everyone! yep i know i have made a rod for my own back and i feel pretty bad! :wacko::tearful:


    thanks for the questions J'S MUM! L has gone through alot of changes this is true! he is not feeling pressured by GCSE'S! i've always said to him that its not the end of the world if he gets bad grades cos he can just retake them! Unfortunetly i think that now L thinks he doesnt need to bother now cos he can retake them :unsure: arghhhh! im just sooo angry with myself! i dont know why God gave me an autistic child! i love him soooo much and im just failing him everyday! When i think i have helped him it just backfires on me! I think as L is getting older his autism is becoming more of a difficulty for him and the whole

    family! i will try implimenting some of your great ideas! and thanks for the links J'S MUM


    luv rachxx

  4. I've heard that some people can develop a resistance to Melatonin and it can work well in the long term if it is not used every night. It's possible that it may work again after a break, particularly if he does not take it every night (perhaps he could take a break at weekends for example). It's worth speaking to the doctor again to see if they think it might be worth trying again.



    thanks tally! L was taking it everynight for quite a few years so maybe you are right that he developed a resistance! L hasnt had melatonin for quite awhile so maybe it will work again for him! i just got this thing in my head that now that the tablet wasnt working for him it would never work again! it just never occurred to me that there was a possibility that melatonin could start working again now that he has had a break from it?


    are there any other sleep meds out there that help autistic kids?

  5. .........actually he has always struggled to get to sleep!


    when he was younger melatonin use to work for him however as he got older he had to increase his dose which then caused him to get nauseous when he took the tablets! we took him off the tabs 3 years ago and although he still struggled to sleep at night he was just getting enough. now it is getting worse! He will refuse to go to sleep until a set time of 1:00 in the morning and his school work is suffering! (he is 15 and half way through GCSE.s)! i have tried everything to help him to get to bed earlier but he will get so angry/aggressive at night that i just give up and leave him alone until he conks out with exhaustion! if he gets too loud he wakes my youngest son who is currently needing as much sleep as he can get right now as he is worked so hard at his private school!!


    i have tried everything! horlicks, reading, special lights in his room! massage wont work with L cos he has aversion to touch! what else can i try? :unsure::wacko::crying:

  6. It is only worth negotiating for a certain amount of time. As you say, time is moving on and you need a decision and if you are asking for provision in part 3 that includes professional therapy (SALT, OT etc), then the chances are you are going to tribunal anyway.


    Send in your working document stating everything you want in part 2 and part 3. Have one meeting and if the LEA do not amend, then tell them to finalise the Statement so that you can appeal. Either party can still neogitate whilst the appeal is in process. You can back down at any time and so can the LEA.


    And whilst in the appeal process you can seek further evidence if you feel you need it, and after the meeting with the LEA you will have a greater understanding of what their sticking points are and why.


    Don't let it drag on forever. The LEA have to finalise the Statement before you can appeal. So get the negotiations over and done with asap. Get as much help as you can to get the wording right.



    arghhhh! like sally says, dont negogtiate for long cos your time is fast runnin out! And the statement needs finalising asap! oh boy! and if this is going to tribunal you fight fight fight girl!!!!!!! when me and DH went to tribunal for our youngest DS i'll tell you this: it was very character building for me! the day we won that tribunal was one of the best days of my life! and i'll tell you! i needed a few double jack daniels that evening :D

    thinking of u hon! xx

  7. hi! i dont really have any other advice to give but wanted to say that i totally understand the difficulties that your son and you are facing right now! S is diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Sensory Integration Disorder! He is now 11 but when he was 4 he behaved in similar ways to your little one! S would run to the wardrobe up in his bedroom and hide inside for about 10 mins if things got too noisy for him. S didnt like being in the car either and many times i had to sit in the back and hug him! He told me it was cos seeing the world whizz by so fast out the window made his head hurt! he said he also hated the smell of the car! S used to scream out when i tried to wash his hair but he is able to wash his own hair now and he is fine with that! He still needs all the labels cut off his clothes and i have to wash brand new clothes a few times with lots of softner before he will wear them! When S is in the house he hates wearing clothes! he used to walk around the house when he was younger just wearing boxer shorts but now agrees to wear shorts and his very old soft t shirt! (no socks) he still really struggles with wearin socks! he still gets very angry and upset when putting them on in the morning and we still have the battle of the sox! i can see it physically hurts him to have them put on! anyway O.T was great for S and although he found school difficult he got through it! He had a statement until he was 9! he had alot of support and the teachers provided him with a quiet area where he could go! He stayed in state school and was able to manage fine even tho there were large classes and disruption! He now goes to private school and obviously the classes are much smaller! S is doing well now! As S has got older he has been able to cope with his sensory issues! and im sure your little one will start to be able to cope better as he gets older!

  8. hi everyone!

    its nice to find this place!


    anyway im married with two boys!


    my Dear Hubby is wonderful! he has suffered with Dyspraxia and Sensory issues all his life! He is yet to figure out if he is on the Autistic Spectrum! His father is definetly Asperger's!


    my brother is autistic and shuts himself away from the world including me and my sister. Since my sis and i left home years ago we havent seen him! he stays in his bedroom when people are around in cluding family! However he does have a fulltime job! He is a Postman and he seems to manage that fine!

    my sister and i have greived for him like he just died! I still feel soo heartbroken!


    Then i have my two gorgeous sons! L is 15! he is mild ASD (diagnosed at 7) and i am struggling to look after him right now! I could manage fine when i just had to work with his ASD but with adolescence on top of that this is getting sooo hard! Then i have my younger son S who is 11! he struggles with his older brother too. S is dyspraxic (diagnosed) and Sensory Integration Disorder (Diagnosed) but is not Autistic!


    i love my family to bits but i get very tired and upset and sooo overwhelmed with this at times! I am right now which is why i am here! thanku for having me


    luv Rach xx

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