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Posts posted by SSS

  1. Sally44,


    No, I’m not prepared to repeat the lies about my son (because some on here are nasty – not you, in fact you are one of the few on here that talk sense)


    He was not allowed his timeout; he was not causing any problems but did get confused about something and when he is confused he is allowed timeout to re-gather his thoughts (the timeout signs are easy to spot) and this was not allowed and he was badgered.


    If I did not know better I would have thought you stayed in the same LA as us,


    i.e. a lot of broken promises.


    And this statement is spot on,

    “and schools/LAs do not like to admit that they cannot meet a child's needs”



    There was incident about ten months ago when one of his teacher turned to him and drew him a dirty look, the very little self a steam he had could be seen leaving him as he just wandered of unwanted. This nasty teacher denied this at a later date but she forgot it was witnessed by his mum and dad.



    I have an older son and when he has in P5 he got bullied to the point it was affecting his heath, and the school more or less did nothing. One of the bullies would hit my son and nothing would every happen, this bully eventually hit a teacher and got permanently excluded, but nothing every happened when he hit my son.

    The bullying only stopped when he switched schools!

    My son did great in his new school and won plenty of rewards in P6 and P7 and was school captain in P7 and won pupil of the year in P7 (now in S4), so there are some good schools and good teachers.



    So do I have a problem with some teachers?




  2. suze..................................................................................................

    I’ve never seen a nasty parent abuse school staff, but I have seen school staff been nasty to children.


    Pinky will do what she thinks is best for her child’s well-being.


    If schools have an obligation to ensure the safety of children in their care then they would have no problem signing a disclaimer.


    I would not ask some to sign a disclaimer if I was not willing to sign a similar disclaimer.


    I know there are plenty of good teachers but that does not mean we just sit back and accept the few bad teachers.

  3. Most of the problems (+90%) at his school are with the same teacher and same classroom assistant,

    and on this day it was with both of them.


    As far as I’m concerned it’s a form of bullying.


    I can’t directly accuse them of lying but I can let the headteacher know indirectly.



  4. Pinky,


    Totally agree with what you are saying and you should fight this as much as you can,

    I believe there would be more of a health and safety issue if you son was not allowed to wear the band during school.

    And your suggestion of wearing a sweat band is more than adequate (rings are covered with tape).


    Support your son as much as you can because no one else will.


    My experience with schools is they are always right and can do no wrong!

    They hate for us mere parents to point out their mistakes and can be very petty about this.


    Are the school willing to take responsibly if something happens to your son when he is not wearing the band? Ask them to sign a disclaimer


    I think your son wearing this band is a very sensible thing your are doing (well done).




  5. Mandapanda,

    Previously had problems with misinterpretation and communications but not in this case,

    some of my sons story is backed up with another child in his class.

    I have only sat down with the headteacher and he backs his staff as they never tell lies!

    But if they are telling lies what other lies are they telling?

    Just because they are teachers do not make them any more honest than a child,

    but it is easier for them to make out the child with autism is the liar and they are telling the truth.




    What chance does a child have if teachers are lying about them?

    And even more so if the child has autism.

    What can you do about teachers lying?

    I really shows how vulnerable a child can be when teachers have no integrity?

  6. KathyM,


    It sounds to me your son needs your help and support right now (and I believe that is what you are doing),

    the last thing you should be worrying about right now is sanctioning him HE needs to know you are there for him (and it sounds like you are),

    You should let him know that violence is not the answer but you have to tell him that when HE is ready for that talk.


    You should try and steer him away from those so called friends.


    I do not know what is meant by “come down hard” on him,

    but under no circumstances should that be physical punishment.


    Our extended family have always been in denial about our son’s needs,

    so I would not worry about that.




  7. Classroom Rules,


    My son attends a special need school for a variety of mild disabilities including autism my son has high function autism and adhd.


    The pupils have came up with classroom rules (ages are 11/12)


    No interrupting

    No whispering in class

    No shouting

    No touching other pupils stuff

    No fighting

    No swearing

    No staring

    No acts of violence

    No mocking

    No cheeky answering back

    Remember who is staff and who are pupils

    No running in building

    If you got a problem talk to a member of staff

    No fidgeting

    No huffs

    Following instructions

    Take constructive criticism


    I believe my son will have problems with the last 4 rules on a daily basis.


    I believe the best way to deal with a child with ADHD is to state the positive rather than state the negative,

    i.e. Use positive words likewalk, please instead of dont run.


    Any thoughts on these rules?


    If they break the rules 3 times you lose golden time or playing pool,

    But not sure if they are as strict as that.





  8. Hi All,


    I’ve two sons – a 15 year old and a 12 year old with Autism and ADHD,


    I’m on looking for help, advice and opinions


    Already read some good advice on the subject but going to post my own.


    Exclusion from School.





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