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About dannyyoung

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Our son has recently had a spate of health care issues which we are having difficulty managing and have not been given a clear overview of what his availability to helpful resources is. We have been told he has Aspergers. He has also been diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder which affects his ability to ride bikes, tie shoelaces etc. To compound the situation, after having a scan due to possible appendicitis, it turns out that he only has 1 kidney which is not functioning as well as it should be. His creatinine level is over 100. The doctors say his kidney is working but is under strain and so should be looked after. The main thing we have read is that he should be keeping fit and active but he can’t do contact sports and the gym at his high school is only for 15 years and above. We thought there might be some kind of grant or scheme that may be able to help him but we don’t know where to start. We had a meeting at his school with SENCO and the CHAMS doctor that diagnosed him with Aspergers and we asked what kind of extra help is available. The reply was to take him for runs. I pointed out that he has oversized joints and loose ligaments which makes running very painful (this was also another diagnosis from local health authority) If anyone can help clarify where we might be able to start, we would be very grateful as asking any of the public sector professionals is like trying to get blood out of a stone! Many thanks
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