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About bubble

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. bubble


    hi i am new to the boards i have a 3 yr old being assessed for aspergers syndrome
  2. hi all i am new to this forum, this is my first time posting, my son is being assessed for aspergers, Paed won't give diagnosis just yet she wants to see him a few times first, however i am trying to potty train him and he just doesn't want to know, he is nearly 4 and going to nursery in September and i really wanted him to be dry before then. he has a lot of sensory problems and we have introduced the potty slowly and steady so at least he is not terrified of it now, he will sit on it and has done a few wee's on it but doesn't seem to get the wanting to go so will sit on the potty, he does it where he is standing if you get what i mean. i thought i would ask for any advice before i give up. thanks
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