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Everything posted by Owens-Mummy

  1. Hi I've only just joined and don't know if you do any of these but we have to do countdowns for everything. What I mean is for example getting dressed we say in 10 mins we get dressed, then 5 mins, then 3 mins and then 1 min. We've done this for a few years now and it does help. It doesn't stop the "nuclear moments" as I call them but it does help. Also, my little man has sensory issues and getting in and out the bath and being undressed can set him off bouncing, jumping and flailing his arms if we made him get dressed straight away he will go nuclear. The OT explained to us that his pain receptors are wired differently so to our skin what would feel like a change in temperature to him is a physical pain. Also after a nuclear moment, and yes I too have been battered black and blue on numerous occasions, I hug him really tight and whisper in his ear. While I'm doing this his body goes limp and he has a big sigh and as soon as he's done that it's as if nothing has happened and he is back to normal? Hope this helps even just to know you are not on your on your own.
  2. Hi My name is Jules and I have 2 little boys ages 8 and 7 the oldest of which has ASD. The diagnosis has only just been confirmed in April after over 3 years. I feel like I'm having to fight for everything but at last can see light at the end of this long road. I saw the diagnosis as the beginning and it only really confirmed what we had been told and suspected for years. Needed the diagnosis as no one will offer you help until it has been confirmed. In the last few months he now has an OT, Speech Ther, LASC, Link Worker, Social Worker and I am doing Early Bird course in September. Still no TA in school but will go to planning meeting and if they agree in September will take it to panel this Autumn. Fingers crossed. I will be posting lots of questions and hopefully can offer some help along the way too.
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