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Posts posted by butterfly73

  1. * For black with white pictograms I use www.sclera.be

    The pictograms can be sorted alfabetical or per theme

    And the site is in loads of languages ;-)


    * (in dutch..) http://members.home.nl/maavink/picto's.htm white with black picto's


    * links to several other systems: http://autisme.eenpunt.nl/pictogrammen.html



    ** NB: with all signs, just the bare necessities... léss is more! **

  2. Is there a topic where members can 'meet' online if they'd like?!

    Just talking about stuff that is on your mind.. like a virtual café or sth?!


    I do know there is also sth like chatrooms.. but usually that can get to crowded, quick and I loose oversight..

    thanx for your response (link ..;-) )

  3. Loads of good advice given already!


    The intestins can be understimulated.. thus not getting and giving (load) enough signals!

    or other overstimulated overstimulated parts of the system might overstem this!


    stress influences the livre (getting rid of toxines..) and when you fear you flight/freeze/fight.. which

    makes blood go to your legs and away from the intestins/guts.. thus they function less affective..

    Consequently there are loads of people with AS who also have difficulty with food, bowls or going to the toilet..


    SI-therapy might help in getting some of this better in balance, as well as regular excercise, waking the system by drinking water (luke warm had less impact than colder..)

    Also helping with chosing, buying, prep and cooking helps to know what it is that kids eat.. give peace of mind!

    Eating in a not rushed environment, at a dinner table is also a good advice ;-)


    It's all about lowering fear and learning to open up to new things..!

    for some, rewarding trying out new stuff sometimes works (know what will entice your kid ;-) )

    Making it visual helps to remember what was tried (8 times at least is needed to get some adjusting to taste/texture..)

    Reward extra if the child initiates a change, for it is motivated thru certain approach

  4. I'm trying to redefine myself also..

    For the world is more difficult to make sense of with AS, we learn thru the eyes of others and combine with our perception (thus also misconceptions!)

    my perception of myself is also coloured by the outside world.. not by me..


    I am now trying to break loose of those view, which is highly difficult and draining..

    I've noticed that listening to that inner voice (your intuition) is key in this!

    extra difficult for I tend to be analytical and...well, intuition has no reason at times.. just listen to it and dó!

    but I most definitly do not regret following my own path for a change!

  5. Hello,

    First post here, although I have lots of questions smile.gif

    I was wondering how eye contact makes you feel inside. I was taught from a very young age to look at people when they spoke to me, and this has definitely become engrained to the extent that (I think I do it more or less automatically these days), but I'm not at all sure what other people think. So, I can make eye contact, but it is often uncomfortable, particularly with people I don't know or like. If it's people I know well or like, it's not too bad, but I can end up staring instead. For me it is a little like trying to eat something that doesn't taste good ... I can do it, but it's not nice and I will stop it as soon as I can. Any thoughts?

    Good question!!

    To be honest.. in my profession, we still get drilled to teach any kid to make eye contact and explain why..

    I used to do that.. yes, USED to..

    I've read Olga Bogdashina's book on sensory perception and I totally get these kids!


    * Some can not make eye contact for than they will have to use two sets of input: auditory and visual: which malfunctions.. thus not looking at you means 100% attention!

    (that is what we want in contact right?!)

    * Some might really feel pierced thru eye contact, like somebody is staring right into your soul.. highly uncomfertable..

    * For some the former, piercing can even be felt quite literally..

    * The feeling of other might read your mind is also mentioned a lot..

    * ...


    I had a nine year old girl once.. I explained why most people do like you to look into their eyes..

    I told her she could use a trick to fool them.. just look at their eyebrows ;-) they won't even notice it, and you'll feel more comfertable!

    The next week she came in an told me enthousiatically, that she was actually looking in my eyes!

    Kids.... ;D


    As for lying, that is a trait that all AS have difficulty with! also in white lies from NT; or sb saying they are ok, while we perceive that there is sth amiss!

  6. Because I also have a sleeping disorder (narcolepsy), I know that certain hallucinations can come from lack of sleep..

    as in, daytime REM!, thus that is also something to take into account!

    NB: Actually I sleep too much, in hours, spread over day and night..

    but the quality of the sleep is abnormal.. Certain stages are passed (like waking up during REM, 5-7times a night).. thus I'm more sleepy in the daytime!


    Lack of energy / feeling sleepy can have several causes, mind you! Food, excercise, sleep, meds, sensory overload, ...

    Lack of sleep or sleeping too much is rather common with a stress-related disorder like AS!


    (I'm glad I don't have hallucinations though.. ;-) )

  7. Some use the ugly duckling as synonym for..


    I try and keep things as straight as possible, to avoid misinterpretations..

    I explain the sensory input and how that influences that kid.. every person is unique..


    Sometime I hear people with AS talk about others being normal and w..

    Than I stop them dead: I'm sorry.. others being normal, and what are you then.. abnormal?!

    I explain why I see a need to adjust their view of themselves..

    everybody functions differently, AS or NT..

    everybody has certain traits and things that work pro or against them..


    Being highly sensitive is useful, but can cause problems when you are around a lot of people..

    you can not control if you bump into one another, nor the sound level, nor how quick they move, etc..

    You might pick up more than most.. which will seem odd to you, that others do not see, hear or feel that..

    Like when your teachers answers to a question that "she is ok", while you see that she is very sad somewhere deep inside!

    Why would your teacher lie?! For she doesn't feel like sharing her feelings with everybody (older kids: that is not professional)


    things like that.. depending on the question from the kid ;-)

  8. It's never fun to have your place restored.. for NT and AS..

    Very nice of your landlord to want to improve the house while you are still in it (usually they wait till you leave, even if that's after 30years!)

    unless there is major discomfort of course..

    but not very helpful for your peace and quiet!


    It might be useful to talk this through with your landlord..

    maybe it's a good idea to take a few days of, go on vacation, while the do the kitchen (when/if you both agree to do that..)


    It's always helpful to have a pleased landlord, aswell as pleased renter..;-)

  9. also helpfull books (I like to put things together.. lack of oversight is one of my issues :o )


    Understanding sensory input problems:

    * Olga Bogdashina - Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome


    Recognizing sensory input problems and creative ways to help your kid (or yourself ;-) )

    * Carol Stock Kranowitz - The out of sync kid (most of all theory and checklists)

    * Carol Stock Kranowitz - The out of sync kid has fun (practical games to get the sensory system what it needs: rest and stimuli!)

    the idea's come form therapists, parents, teachers, ...


    love Bfly

  10. In my eyes.. my hypothesis:

    the basic 'problem' is in the sensory information proces..

    That can cause different levels of anxiety and stress, even unnoticable!

    People with problems with SI, also have difficulty releasing stress.. it adds up through the years..

    NT encounter the same problems, just as annoying (so why do we complain.. ) well: their system flushes it out easier..


    ie. Kids get a sensory approach plan (SAP) from their SI-therapist.. so they can function

    more effectively in several situations or know what to do when they do/do not encounter certain stimuli..

    (yes, there is also understimulation, just as undermining.. though less stressful)


    The SI can manifest in a certain way that fits a description in the DSM IV.. ADHD/ADD/AS/..


    If there are more issues, than stress levels are even higher, thus more aspects of other disorders:



    That in my eyes is the hierarchy of it all..

    If the underlying problem isn't seen, than the approach will not work as efficiently

  11. hi,


    imo giving clear choices works, also for self esteem.. I used to be horrible with food too, overall morover texture than taste.. Now it is my strength, I love cooking and eating

    Stress/anxiety is the main issue..


    Putting yourself in his shoes..Imagine..

    getting stuck in a country were you don't get the language nor habits, say..Vietnam

    People care about you and wanna help, though your head is somewhere else and anxious.. (in your case for you don't know where the rest of the family is) in his case just the basic feeling, unfortunately

    Temple Grandin said, fear is my main emotion..

    Ok.. You're being helped.. People hand you food, you're apprehensive.. What is it, will it harm me?!

    You might be less anxious if you helped preparing it ;-)


    You get a bowl of white liquid, your urge is too examine.. smell, prod, etc.. finally tasting it..

    It's plain yoghurt.. So you eat the smooth, cold, sour stuff..

    In the fifth spoon you sense a lump.. What to you do?!..

    Exactly.. you'd spit it out!


    The next meal there is one bowl with white liquid and one with yellow chunks, what it is you can not make out..

    What would you choose?


    What if every day you were picked up from your room, and would eat in the 3rd door on the right..

    How would you feel if they took you to the left, all cheerful and such..

    What is going on..?!


    Don't take these lines too literally, it gives a gist of what kind of stress level people with AS experience!

    Might put the need to control the situation, frustration, etc in perspective..


    Love B'fly

  12. hi and also welcome!


    Presently your stress level is way up high..

    Best advise I got in that situation is, get some excercise. Daily walks or bicycle rounds, preferably 30 min+

    Choose diff routes each time, to learn to be flexible..

    besides that.. writing stuff down, instead of letting it ruminate in your head, stuck in a groove

    bit more difficult.. Try out meditation, youtube can help in that ;-


    Yes..you need to follow your heart, for you have no support from your shrink..

    Time to take action..

    Also I'd recommend: find another psych!


    Good lucky, bfly

  13. hi and also welcome!


    If you wanna read up on this, I can highly recommend Olga Bogdashina's book about sensory input..

    (edit, adding the title: Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome)

    It might put some things in perspective ;-)


    The orient might not be too bad a place to have started out life.. Did you pick up any meditation skills?!

    Useful, I'm learning now..


    If I'm not to forward..

    What do you encounter as holding you back..?

    With me it is lacking oversight, wanting to solve things myself, not asking for help..

    Oh, and putting myself last..

    There is more, but these are the major ones..


    Grtjes from Holland, Bfly

  14. to be honest, I'm not familiar with the army etc..

    It's important to know your limits, and also be aware how you might overcompensate!


    In my vocation one might say I'm not suitable to teach kids interaction and comm, for I have Asperger..

    Well, for me, it's an asset! I get these kids and show them respect, so they are more at ease and can develop easier..


    It's up to you to figure out what you could and need to delegate, and what maken you high suitable for the job! Aspie's are highly motivated people, several natural born leaders.. Loyal, strict, direct,..

    But maybe your place is better in another.. I don't know..


    I wish you all the best! Good luck

  15. my best friend teaches spec.edu, 11-13yr olds with various iq's, backgrounds, cultures, needs etc..

    She's a natural born leader, knows/sees/feels exactly what each kid needs and how to address that.

    She's overly maticulous, which other teacher might find annoying, though they see how much impact her approach has on the whole class.. She can read&write with all of them, has their trust, for she's open and very direct..


    She's an aspie with adhd, and can make that work for her..

    Though privately, she can easily get highly frustrated when things don't go as she'd imagined/planned.. Pfoei!!


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