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Posts posted by keyholekate

  1. Sorry to hear about your problems. Especially when you've got the place to yourself for a week.


    All your plans for "strenuous activity" gone out the window as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Enjoy the peace and quiet.



  2. Suze - Think Reggae female singer

    Continues :-



    Boy how it hurts me inside.


    Coz everytime we meet

    We play hide and seek

    I'm wondering what I should do

    Should I dare come up uo you

    And say" How do you do"

    Would you turn me away.

  3. Thanks! I'd like to first of all my parents who made this all possible and for their unconditional love and support. My agent and management team who have always guided me Blah Blah Sob Sob Ohhhhh thought I was Gwyneth Paltow for a minute!!!!!!!!!!!


    They made me chuckle

  4. I just never know what to wear in this weather. Nothing feels comfortable or you're mutton dressed as lamb.


    The Sweet Young Things look great in cut downs and cropped tops, but hey I'm not 21 any more!


    And you expose all those bits you'd rather not, but at least everythings having an airing.!!!!!!

  5. So anyone who enters the batcave is bonkers?


    I should feel right at home, I'll keep watching until I can understand what you're all on about.


    Do I see some innuendo or maybe it's just a bit too subtle? - being a good Catholic girl I find it hard!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks for the introduction. I'll be watching.

  6. I remember that a doctor commented on the shape of Sean's head and the fact that his ears are low set. I wished I'd questioned it , but I do agree with Lauren about posture and the demeanour . Sean always looks like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. He reminds me of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons!

  7. Went back to Tuition Centre this morning for another look round and to meet the teachers. They have offered a place to Sean starting in September. He is looking forward to not having to wear a uniform,not having to walk along bustling corridors and no huge groups of noisy children. So Sean's as happy as he can be!

  8. I went to Tuiition Centre today. Very impressed. Will be going back again on Thursday morning so Sean can have a proper look round. We had the Ed.Psyc. and Senco with us today and he was a bit overawed, although he liked the idea of no uniform. 3 to 1 teacher child ratio. They offered a place to start in September, but he will still remain on the school roll. It's not a centre for children with behavioural problems who have been excluded, just for those who for many reasons find it difficult to attend school.


    Never knew there was a place like this in my area and neither did the Senco!


    Will keep you posted.

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