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Everything posted by dinosauregg

  1. Unfortuately she is giving expression to a view that is becoming more widely held as more individuals are diagnosed as being on the spectrum. When my son was diagnosed with Aspergers I had never heard of it and could only find a handful of references about it on the internet. I had to learn very fast. He was diagnosed by a leading specialist at a top centre. He is an adult now, but still struggling to get an education. Currently he is attending a college with support. He has a "genius" IQ and learns some things easily but generally is hampered by such things as a hot classroom. He was late back to class recently because he had become overwhelmed by the sudden noise of a lawnmower starting up by an open window he was sitting by having lunch and had withdrawn to somewhere quieter so as not to "kick off". (A lot of learning went into that strategy!) The lecturer said that this was a pathetic excuse for someone his age and proceeded to have a rant about what he thought of the trendy diagnosis of autism/AS/ADHD. He implied that all my son needed to do was to grow up. Had this just been from my son's perspective I may thought it was his understanding, but his LSA confirmed what had been said and went to her boss. Despite being spoken to, this lecturer still persists in refusing to make any adaptations to his thinking or his course!
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