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Everything posted by laurendaniel

  1. Mt Blanc, that would be great. I can see you a private message with the details.
  2. Hey Warrior Thank you for your insight. I find it all very interesting. I am looking into all forms of relationships, ranging from intimate relationships to friendships, to even relationships that one has with ones boss. My research just aims to assess whether there are any real differences and in which domains.
  3. Hi Robert, That's great. I have sent you a message with more details
  4. Hi everyone, I am a masters student at Goldsmith’s University in London conducting a study for my final project. The aim of my study is to examine the social skills of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Difficulties in this area are likely to affect the ability to form meaningful relationships and to address everyday social problems in interpersonal settings. One fundamental limitation of the current research surrounding this area concerns the methodologies used to assess problem-solving. Hypothetical tasks provide an insight into the different approach of individuals with ASD to problem-solving, yet they lack ecological validity. Real life situations elicit more emotion and are much less likely to be influenced by the social desirability of the researchers. My study will thus involve an investigation of real life hypothetical problem solving behaviours of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It will involve asking participants how they would solve various problematic situations, as well as recalling memories of their own experiences. It is envisaged that the findings will have a direct benefit on individuals with ASD through future interventions and support groups. I would be so grateful if anyone would be interested in participating. You can contact me on ps103ld@gold.ac.uk. Many thanks, Lauren
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