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Everything posted by jludderz

  1. We have tried reminding him of previous stays and the fact that all was well (and usual Grandparent spoiling extras) but to no avail. I am of the same opinion that it as another anxiety that is worrying him, so we will try and stay on the gently open tactics and see if something eventually surfaces. I did not mention that we live on an Island and our overnight stay would leave him possibly a little more isolated.??
  2. He has stayed overnight before with his nanna several times, when would be picked up next morning but now he has decided that he would miss us too much and would not feel well.
  3. my 11 year old aspie son has just started a real "obsession" about being left alone. My wife and I are trying to get an overnight stay away together, however he will not entertain the idea in any way full on tears etc. He is unable to explain why he feels this way but my thoughts are that there is something more underlying being the problem. Any expierences or help would be appreciated as my son seems to almost be suffering from mild depression which is hard to watch. He has had other setbacks in the weeks before which may seem simple to us (not being picked for school team) but he just cannot let go of which again adds to his feelings of woe
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