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Paul Hughes

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Everything posted by Paul Hughes

  1. Hi Robert I wouldn't hold my breath whilst awaiting my wisdom, if I were you.
  2. Paul Hughes


    Hello there I'm Paul and my first contact with AS (knowingly) is as a result of my seven year old daughter, who was diagnosed aged two. I was in denial for a couple of years (much to my wife's understandable annoyance) but have since made up for lost time in terms of reading up and coming to understand the syndrome. I'm here for two purposes: to understand still more of how my daughter will experience and overcome any difficulties AS brings and, secondly, because I'm a fairly recently qualified hypnotherapist / psychotherapist and seem to be attracting a strangely disproportionate number of aspie clients. I've completed a dissertation on how hypno-psychotherapy should be tailored to the needs of AS clients and would like to learn more on this topic. There's nothing published on this subject and so I intend to turn my dissertation into a book over the next year or so... So, hello. I look forward to talking with you all. Best wishes Paul
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