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Posts posted by Mike_GX101

  1. Just posting this thread to see what your experiences are with job hunting in these difficult times where many are being made redundant and having to re-find their feet in a highly competitive market with far fewer jobs than there are people going for them. In my view job hunting has always been tough but with recession biting more and more the situation is even more unbelievably troublesome and having aspergers can make it harder still.


    In a world where money makes everything go round but where one must scale hugely troublesome barriers to get in anywhere worth hanging on to (or where there is something to hang on to for long enough) and where daily commodities have shot up in price in spite of frozen salaries and quantitative-easing we are all in desperate need of hope and inspiration.


    So come on in out of the cold, put your feet up, make a brew and lets talk job hunting and job interviews. Let's hear your experiences and stories - tell us about how you've overcome your barriers and lets hear about the difficulties you're having and hopefully through doing so we will all fare better and be stronger at getting the jobs we really want.

  2. Darkshine: I experienced this too when I was a kid.


    I don't understand it really because I wasn't mean or anything. It just kind of happened...and I'd be like trying to hide my reaction in...shame maybe?...Awkwardness?...I don't know.


    Who says how we react to things reflects how we truly feel about them deeper down though? The other side of the argument are these people who try to cry to fit a situation - it doesn't do anyone any favours. In my view it's better to react naturally than to try to feign a reaction and ending up being guilty of deception which may not go down well at all particularly if they're a good friend (or were!!)!


    Ultimately if you laugh at an awkward moment it's no big deal...there are lots of reasons you may be tickled besides their troubled plight - there's always time to patch things up later and who knows, they may even see the funny side of it later too!

  3. Walk?? Teggie's never walk...they creep...they see...they chase!!!!


    No seriously - I was sat bare footed one day and I saw one suddenly in the corner not far from my feet. I was going to hit it but it actually dashed towards my feet and I had to really move and then had to take the room apart to find it again when it disappeared under my desk!


    While Teggie's aren't poisonous they can bite and crawl up ones leg etc etc... They also have incredibly good eyesight and when cornered can be quite aggressive. Just be sure to wear gloves if you do want to pick one up.


    P.S. Click on the link above if you want to see one up close.

  4. I suppose in some way being scared of lightning is a very valid fear to have, given that it can in certain situations prove fatal.


    I think it is all too easy to become complacent about it particularly when so many people survive them all the time.


    I got caught out once between two mountains. I was all alone. It started raining heavily. The wind whipped up. I felt my hair standing up on the back of my neck. I heard almighty cracks up ahead to my left just over the ridge of one of the mountains. It was terrifying. There wasn't a tree in sight and no buildings either. At that moment I was the tallest in the valley I was in between the two mountain peaks with thunder grumbling all around and echoing forbiddingly. Even if I'd laid down I would still have been the tallest in that area! So I made a desperate dash for it. I never saw any lightning thankfully but knew it must have been striking the very peak of the mountain to the left.


    I got back to the car after running for what seemed like an age, turned the ignition and was off. And I know, I know it was a classic error getting into a car during a lightning storm but there was no way I was staying out there all alone to risk getting sizzled to a crisp! Instinct took hold of me that day and probably saved me too! I was so glad to get to back to civilisation and being with other people again after that...


    Electrifying stuff but it pays not to be too ignorant of the dangers of storms; a certain level of respect for lightning is essential - respect thunder too because it can warn you of the approaching danger and gives you chance to act.

  5. I have found certain people to be of real help when it comes to Asperger's - they are really supportive and I feel they actually want to help.


    However, out there in the real world, away from the Oasis created by those helpful people is something far less forgiving. When I found out about Asperger's because apparently I had asperger-like tendencies which I could not argue against, I felt elation at having a reason validating why I am the way I am. I felt at last I would be able to cope with the world.


    Sadly it isn't all sweet roses and butterflies and I get the cold-shoulder a lot by many people who really should know better given the positions of Authority they're in. It is sad when people are like that, not to mention the put-downs and the general feeling that those people seem to want me to live a life in total solitude never getting the chance to actually getting into a relationship with anyone - that's perhaps the biggest frustration of all!!


    To have a syndrome that puts up barriers and then having a system that deters you from ever overcoming those barriers and reaching out to someone you like is just plain wrong. Surely the system should be working with us to help us live proper normal lives and to integrate better with those around us instead of the other way around?!?

  6. I don't know - it's hard to say. Are you reaching out to your colleague or to your friend? Which is more important? Do they really need to know? Should they know? Are you worried about losing their friendship through telling them? This is my particular worry when telling people in my life - that I might distance them.


    It really is your choice what you do; you don't have to reveal everything though if you don't want to. Write down what you have (i.e. describe your syndrome) and take bits out you wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable telling them. Re-word it and take more bits out if necessary until you have what you'd feel comfortable telling them. That way you're being true to yourself while being true to them too without running the risk of abject rejection. And if they reject you on what you feel is a true reflection on your part then they weren't really your friend any way and you can move on.


    Good luck!

  7. Describe what you mean by 'services'. What kind of services are you looking for? What do you feel would help you?


    But yes I understand your angst that it appears that once you become an adult you're effectively frozen out into the cold. I felt this too and suddenly the hardness of reality began to set in and that was when I could have done with support. Mind you, it would have helped if I had heard of Aspergers at the time let alone Autism.


    But seriously, the first thing you need to ask is - what services are you looking for? What do you hope the services will help you with? Are you asking them the right questions? Maybe they don't know what you want and you need to make more of a case to them? There are services out there that can offer support for a whole variety of syndromes (not just Aspergers) which might be supportive to you too.

  8. ...There are too many articles, especially on the web, that slate and put down AS relationships!! Even in the relationship suggested material resources which we referred, there still is a negativity....

    What do you mean by negativity? Negativity about what?!? Two people who love one another very much being in a relationship??


    Asperger's is a communication barrier that effectively separates us from others leaving us feeling isolated and alone - or rather that's how I've largely been affected by it. But for that barrier to be overcome and for love to be the outcome how is that a bad thing? In my opinion that is a truly beautiful thing and one which we should all aspire to!


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