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About cajunjay1

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hi again I assure you my wife and I spend countless hours each day trying to teach things to him but we are starting to feel very disheartened. The reason being he has not learnt anything at all. I have a soft football from ikea and teach him to kick it by showing him what to do and even using his leg with myhand to kick it and have tried this for many months but he still cannot understand what to do. This is just one of dozens of things we have tried to teach him but he has not grasped anything whatsoever now I just don't know what we can do.
  2. Hi My son has never really met any milestones upto his 2nd birthday, he was a late crawler and walker but now he has great motor skills but does not say any words and lives in a dream like state. He rarely makes any eye contact with me or my wife and is very hyperactive and cannot sit still for 1 second the only way to calm him is to put on the TV. We just got back from seeing a specialist doctor who has sent us (tomorrow) to have blood tests done to see if anything can be found out that way and he also did mention the possibility of autism, which me and my wife have expected for a very long time. Our health visitor came yesterday with a lady who does a 2 year check up and they just dont seem to understand that he isnt normal and keep saying he is just delayed and will catch up soon but they do not see him for very long and he was tired so not as hyperactive as normal when they saw him. They did try some toys with him but as usual showed no interest but to throw the toys or put them in his mouth. I decided a few weeks ago to do as much research as possible into early interventions and any ways to help lesson his autistic behavior and hopefully get him more focused and learning. He just loves cows milk and yogurt and it is pretty hard getting him to eat different foods and i have now realised he mostly wants to eat any foods that have alot of gluten and or casein. So yday we stopped his large intake of cows milk and tried him with coconut milk which he didnt like that much but did drink it. Today which is his first day without gluten or caseine products he is acting a little more disconnected than usual even more in his own world, right now he is lying down on his back doing nothing almost just staring into space. Is it usual that he will have strange behavior during the first few days of his diet change? Also he got very upset a few times today when i said we must turn the tv off he actually went into tears which doesnt normally happen. Any other tips or information to help us out would be much appreciated I just weant whats best for my son and want to get the help early as the NHS help is fair but very slow and for some reason they are trying to brush it all off as a delay. (We live with our kids 24/7 so we know better and can tell when something isnt right with them) Thanks
  3. Hi My son has never really met any milestones upto his 2nd birthday, he was a late crawler and walker but now he has great motor skills but does not say any words and lives in a dream like state. He rarely makes any eye contact with me or my wife and is very hyperactive and cannot sit still for 1 second the only way to calm him is to put on the TV. We just got back from seeing a specialist doctor who has sent us (tomorrow) to have blood tests done to see if anything can be found out that way and he also did mention the possibility of autism, which me and my wife have expected for a very long time. Our health visitor came yesterday with a lady who does a 2 year check up and they just dont seem to understand that he isnt normal and keep saying he is just delayed and will catch up soon but they do not see him for very long and he was tired so not as hyperactive as normal when they saw him. They did try some toys with him but as usual showed no interest but to throw the toys or put them in his mouth. I decided a few weeks ago to do as much research as possible into early interventions and any ways to help lesson his autistic behavior and hopefully get him more focused and learning. He just loves cows milk and yogurt and it is pretty hard getting him to eat different foods and i have now realised he mostly wants to eat any foods that have alot of gluten and or casein. So yday we stopped his large intake of cows milk and tried him with coconut milk which he didnt like that much but did drink it. Today which is his first day without gluten or caseine products he is acting a little more disconnected than usual even more in his own world, right now he is lying down on his back doing noting almost just staring into space. Is it usual that he will have strange behavior during the first few days of his diet change. Any other tips or information to help us out would be much appreciated I just weant whats best for my son and want to get the help early as the NHS help is fair but very slow and for some reason they are trying to brush it all off as a delay. (We live with our kids 24/7 so we know better and can tell when something isnt right with them) Thanks
  4. Thanks for all your input guys. We took our son today for a hearing test and like i expected they couldn't get a good valuation of his hearing as he just doesnt pay attention for long enough. He has selective hearing and today decided he didn't want to participate in the test. But they did put a probe in his ears to check if his ear drums are vibrating correctly and there perfectly fine. Its another two more weeks before the pediatrician comes over for there first visit so we will just have to sit tight and see what happens. We have tried very hard to teach the little guy something such as wave goodbye but he gets annoyed quickly and wont participate or properly interact with us, he does like t give us hugs and kisses tho.
  5. Hi My son has just turned 2 years old and in his two years he has not learnt anything at all really. He can walk and climb but does not interact with us almost at all, he doesn't listen to us most of the time. He cannot say any words or even come close to saying anything whatsoever. He cannot play toys properly he just rolls them around or mostly just avoids them altogether. Hes favorite things to do are slam cupboard doors continuously and walk around the garden collecting stones to put in his mouth. We are very worried now and have a series of appointments lined up firstly a hearing test but i have done quite a few of my own hearing tests and he seems fine he just lives in his own little world. I have convinced myself by comparing him to all the other two year olds I have met that he might be autistic, he also cries alot for no apparent reason. Hes very repetitive behavior and as I type this he his again just opening and closing doors I feel really stressed out right now as he wont interact with me or hardly ever makes eye contact cannot follow any commands and doesn't listen to anything we say to him.
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