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Everything posted by Gutcruncher_

  1. LOOK, I NEED support. If I didn't need it then I wouldn't be going round asking all these organisations for help. It is making me VERY ILL asking for the support I need and being turned away universally. Some people need support some don't, I NEED it I urgently do but it doesn't exist. If you are a naive teenager you believe that there is equality of opportunity for "aspies" but in reality there isn't, even getting to GCSEs for example is uphill.
  2. LOL, that's pathetic, completely delusion, Famous Person X has Aspergers, THEN YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED NO EXCUSES. That is absurd, like saying all sufferers of Motor Neurone Disease MUST ALL become Stephen Hawking. REALITY DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. There are lucky few who succeed and get support, just with all sorts of people, the rest of us don't. Normal people don't become world famous. Oh and I NEED support and HELP, I WOULD NOT ASK FOR IT IF I DIDN'T NEED IT!!
  3. The (name etc) autism society organisations, charities, don't offer support for people with Aspergers apart from useless pamphlets, not actual help. Those organisations are scams, and only want to help autistics who are handicapped, not higher-functioning. (AND want more money than you could possibly supply.) Go to a learning disability charity or organisation when you have Aspergers, and they will turn you away, you have a mental health condition, go away, nothing to do with us. Go to a mental health charity or organisation and they will say, go away, you're mentally handicapped not mentally ill, go away, you don't have a mental illness. Try MenCap, no, you're mentally ill, not learning disabled, go away, nothing to do with us. Try a local support 'gateway club', get turned away, Aspergers, bad, nothing to do with us, you have a degree anyway so there's nothing actually wrong with you. Get help from social services, no help after 7 years trying. Write to MP, get told, you obviously don't have any health problems because social services won't help you. Talk to other organisations, and possible employers, mention Aspergers, you might as well have said that you are a paedo or drug addict, immediate bad reaction. Black listed. I have Aspergers, I am not a parent looking through rose coloured glasses, society doesn't want you if you have Aspergers, and there's no organisation to help, FACT.
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