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Posts posted by anxious

  1. I've had a lot of CBT and it has been very interesting but of no use at to me at all and i can't think why that would benefit anyone with AS. WE are different and we toddle along to see the psychologist who is just this person who has got a degree having learned all the theories and wants to make you "better". Wants to find a slot for you in society so you won't feel so back when the next time you open your mouth you get called wierdo or something similar.

    Self esteme comes from within....you can't just go off and see a psychologist and get self esteme, you have to develop it yourself. Self love is the first step.

    Realise what you have gone through and congratulate yourself..have a party. Realise that fitting in will never work....We are different, we are glorious and why would we want to dilute ourselves by trying to be accepted.

    History shows us that the oppressed minorities, when unified begin to dominate...so let us unifey and work together to create the sublime.We can do anything....we are allowed no limitations so let us stop trying to conform; and start creating.

  2. Why would this upset people A-S Warrior? I don't understand. Please explain why it was upsetting for people..... i'm very surprised by that. I personally feel that so much of my life was wasted by trying to fit into a world i didn't belong in, just to keep other people happy. The things which excited me had to be left behind because nobody understood. They didn't succeed in changing me anyway. All they did was push my real self deeper inside and i resent it. I don't want that to happen to the next generation. They might be the best hope our world has.

    Increadible...i feel exactly like you.

  3. Big thanks Sa Skimrande, I loved this! Goin to read the rest of the website but there's a lot to take in! People should stop trying to change us and let us change the world! Maybe our faults only appear as faults, because the society we live in is all wrong. Maybe people with autism are here for a reason...maybe if the rest of the world let us follow our own paths, we could help to make a brighter future for everyone.

    I too have concluded this point........Stop trying to fit in and just be yourself...the wolves are everywhere but i have it on good authority that not a single hair on our heads will be harmed.

  4. Thank you all for your replies. My intention was to stay on line and respond immediately but my partner came in, saw what i was writing and then tried to convince me that what i was doing was embarracing and i should have more self respect.............( ? )

    The biggest problem that i have experienced since diagnosis is from my partner...so hostile...to maintain control over me she now uses the diagnosis as a weopon against me. Even when she is blatently wrong and i point this out to her she will remind me that people with Aspergers develop paranoid thinking patterns. She doen't want to know anything about me or the condition. Therefore home life remains rubbish and is getting worse.

    There has been NO support at all from the medical profession. I can and do get as much diazepan as possible from my GP mainly to get me off to sleep but they do take the edge off living with someone. My diagnosis of Aspergers was at St. Georges in Sheffield in October 2012 and they gave a recommedation to my GP for Atom.....( something ) but the listed side effects were too severe to take a chance with. I am back in Sheffield on Jan 24. On 30th this month im back at the Maudsley Adult ADHD hospital.

    My lifes problem has been trying to " fit in". I have always been a bit strange and communication has always been agony. Whe i awas diagnosed ith ADHD it was no suprise but the Aspergers diagnosis was a shock and still is..it makes so much sense. Before i went for my assessement i went on line and found the 50 questions used for initial assessement....i scored 46. It was the Maudsley hospital that recognised the Aspergers.

    It took 15 months from going to my GP and actually getting an appointment for ADHD and about 12 months to get the Aspergers appointment.

  5. Yet another school massacre.....but let us all be clear that the majority of these abominations are not carried out by people with ASD. With all my years of frustration and rage i have never wanted to kill anyone...and nor would i and suspect none of you would too.

    I suggest that this outrage has been planned to reinforce Americas want to rid their country of guns and their constitutional right to arm themselves .

    Wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald also a "loner" ?

  6. As a recently diagnosed 46 year old Aspergers person my biggest problem when i was younger was trying to " fit in"....the more i tried to do what the good fine general public expected, the more i felt inadequate as a person. My interests absorbed me for many years and then at 30 years old i realised that " fitting in " was where i was going wrong. One can never be happy trying to be what one isn't. We are different and a lot of people out there like that a lot, so just be you and don't give up trying to meet new people....you just have to get out to those people places

  7. Hey.


    First of all I just want to say that I haven't been diagnosed yet, so I hope it is okay that I have joined. Also, I am not looking on here for a diagnosis, just merely some information and advice.


    I am a female in my 20's and am currently awaiting for an assessment appointment. My GP has been having trouble trying to get me in anywhere at the moment though, the first place she tried said I fit their criteria, but due to lack of funding they couldn't take me on. So she is now trying to get me in somewhere else, but we are yet to hear back from them.


    It first came to light that I could have aspergers when my sister (who is training to become a teacher) had a session at the school she works at about children with aspergers and when they asked "Do you know any children that act this way, as they could have aspergers" she thought of me. I have always been somewhat 'different' to my siblings in my behaviour but it was always just seen as me being me. I'm not certain I have it, but from what I've researched and read it could definitely be a possibility which is why I'd like to get it checked, as I think it would bring some closure and comfort and after speaking to my GP she agrees.


    Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now ^_^

    It took me 14 months from Gp to diagnosis but it was only because i wrote to my MP on the Write To Them site and told her i was being denied treatment.....it was like having a magical genie

  8. Hi Paul,

    I did that test and scored 46 which coincidentally is my age . It is so typically ###### of the medical profession that that they made you go to that special needs school. Sorry to hear yet another tragic childhood. I was only just diagnosed with Aspergers but i've had the condition , of course, all my long life. If this condition could have beed spotted early in childhood and i'd been given proper guidance i know i would be much happier and had less of a Hell fuelled life.


    The question has to be , " How badly does this condition affect my life ? " If you recognise the condition and you live a full life there doesn't seem any point in an official diagnoses.

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